Well-Known Member
I have several ARs, but I don’t use them to hunt whitetails. For that purpose I’m always hunting with my APR custom in .280 Remington. It’s a fine choice for deer at medium ranges. Hogs, however, are a different matter entirely. When I’m hunting hogs I carry an AR15 in 6.8 SPC because they usually show up in groups and I shoot as many of them as I can as fast as I can. Nothing that I own beats the AR for that chore. Both of my 6.8s are very accurate with Federal Fusion ammo and it delivers. The biggest hog I’ve ever killed was 270 lb. and one high shoulder shot put him in the dirt. I then sent another to his heart because as my buddy says, “if he’s worth one shot, he’s worth two”Absolutely, I have a H&k 91 it stays in its case, 20 round box magazine, 762x 51, these weapons are designed for killing humans and nothing else, although they will kill deer and most anything else for that matter, I would take any of my bolt action rifles in the woods on any given day before a high capacity semi automatic rifle, why the AR platform weapons in the woods? Isn't any communist soliders deer in the woods, just saying

MM, nice buck my friend, congrats !