Got a doe. Goodbye, 2021. On to 2022.Last hunt of the season. Going to have a lot more free time starting tomorrow.
Check out the sims vibration recoil pad,My daughters have been using them since they were 8 shooting 20 gauge 3 inch mags and shooting 7mag at 13
I’m sure those of you who have property damaged by pigs truly hate them. A small part of me wishes we had the additional hunting opportunities they provide locally (I hunt them every year when I’m in TX on our annual brothers/nephews hunting trip. I also enjoy eating them…. For good or bad, they would not survive our typical winters 3-4’ of snow on the ground.
Yep - Remember 20 years ago seeing my first tree with pig mud rubbed on it and thought how cool it would be to see a few on the hoof. We shoot dozens each year...perhaps up to a 100 on 287 acres. They just keep on breeding. 7 shot in the past week. Seriously despise the critters but like yotes, they are here to stay. If you don't have them you are blessed.Be careful what you wish for !A lot of guys felt that way here 15/20 years ago. Now that they outnumber the deer and screw up everything in sight not so many feel that way. It’s too late now unless those Aggies figure out a way to poison them and not hurt any other animals. They are even a problem inside the city limits in most small towns where I live. It’s not unheard of to see where they’ve rooted up yards, cemeteries, golf courses, etc. They are a damn plague here and no matter how many we kill they just keep breeding like rats.