Well guys, I have news. Yesterday we had a big storm roll through before and after daylight. Couldn’t hunt anyway because my son’s girlfriend was graduating and getting her masters at 10:00 am. I figured yesterday afternoon there would be lots of movement. Maybe somewhere, but not where I was. I almost turned the alarm off this morning but Sarge wanted to go pee and he always wins the whining contest. So…..I went ahead and took care of him, dressed and went to the stand out my back door, about 350/400 yards from the house.
I had four does in just at daylight, it being cloudy I had to use my Nikons to see them well. Two more does joined them about ten minutes later and a small buck was trailing them. I had determined pretty quickly that he wasn’t legal so I settled back to watch. He approached all those does and began to adopt the attitude y’all are all familiar with. Head down ears back, that bowed up almost sideways walk. I’m getting interested again now so I got behind my rifle just as the buck almost went out of sight on my left. All I could see was his rear end. Suddenly he began to back up and I could tell he was resisting something. I’m getting really interested now ! Directly, he backs completely into my view with a much bigger buck doing the honors. They’re not really fighting, just sparring. As soon as they broke, the does scattered and the bigger buck took out after them. No shot opportunity !
They all went into the woods and my hope for fresh venison went with them. Two does came out of the woods and back across my wheat and sure enough, the shooter was following. I’m on him now, safety off, finger barely touching the trigger, crosshairs on his shoulder. First mouth grunt and he pays no attention, second grunt is the same. I think they heard the third one in town, but so did he ! He stopped, I squeezed, he dropped on the spot. I watched him a couple minutes and then went and got my backhoe for the retrieve.
I don’t think I have any pics of this deer, maybe one from the spring, but I can’t be sure. One thing I am sure of though, you can’t win if you don’t enter !