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  • Email notifications aren't working for me. I verified my email address and made sure they weren't going to my spam folder.
    Good afternoon. My son Marc Truesdell signed up a few days ago but for some reason his 'User name' shows as Marc Truesdell. He obviously did something wrong. He would like to have his user name show as "born2hunt" Could you do this for him?
    Thank you,
    Lynn Truesdell AKA: letmgrow on the forum.
    Are we hacked? I keep getting adds that cover content and my messaging function no longer works. I have rebooted my devices but no change. It’s only this forum.
    In Property Threads, Keystone Krops, could you move my posts 37, 38, 39, and 40 up to right after my post #19? I have some herbicide tank mixes that I would like to keep together.
    Hello friend! I created this thread under DEER HUNTING. I had a crazy idea bout collecting the pieces of data needed to arrive at a "score," but i didn't spend enough with it. Delete my last thread, please? TEST: Score this Buck"

    Hi Cutman, what are the rules for posting in the classifieds? I imported some electric fat tire bikes that I'd like to post. Let me know. Thanks Dave
    Post away. No rules as long as you are in the classifieds.
    New Post:
    Fawn Resruitment - The Final Word? Probably Not!

    Please, can you help me spell Recruitment?
    Mind sending Doe Shooter alert to curtail 'hollering' every single one of his texts: UNbold & single space. Thanks..
    I'm having trouble posting pics (they're not too big). Also, it seems stuck on a post I'm been trying to upload a pic to. This has helped once before many months ago. Please help.
    Hey. There's nothing on the forum end that should be messing you up. Do the usual stuff like logging out and logging back in, restart your browser, restart your computer, etc.
    Hey cutman, wondering if you could help. I'm trying to login and it's asking for the two step verification code. I can't figure out how to get the little symbol to show up that I need to scan to get the code. Anyway, I made a new username just now to get in to the system as I gave up trying to figure it out. My old username is greenheadguy and my name is Nathan Heins. Great job on the forum. Thanks in advance.
    Hey. I think I just fixed your old username. I disabled 2 step verification. Let me know if you still have a problem.
    great job gretting this up and going. Just wondering if anyway to up the google search into this site? When I type in anything concerning food plotting or deer hunting or deer food plots, it goes to all the big name companies for the most part. I think the QDMA site achieved much of its forum success from google searches. Way over my head on this tech and prob you are already on it. Thanks again, doug
    Thanks. Tim (alnipper49) is the tech wiz, and he's actively working on getting us higher up on google search results. If you don't mind, send your message to him or even post in on the "forum suggestions" forum. Maybe other people will be able to help as well. Very glad to see you over here.
    Yo ..... I signed up but have heard nothing from you folks for over 36 hours. Am I blackballed? LOL
    You should be good to go. Have you tried posting? You don't need a confirmation email or anything.
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