dogghr... I have a TC New Englander .50 cal on my wall. My first muzzleloader was a TC New Englander .54 cal that I shot 120 grains of BP and Maxi Balls out of. I killed several deer with this setup and won a local muzzleloader shoot 2 years in a row with it by shooting at a small black diamond on paper offhand at 50 feet. The Diamond was small enough a .72 caliber could completely take it out with a perfect hit and several of the guys had actually built .72 cal for that purpose. It was by the shot and there were 44 shooters the first year and 51 the next. Cost per shot depended on the prize per shot and the overall winner was determined by how many rounds you won...lots of fun back then. Of course technology finally outpaced these type shoots and most folks went to inline muzzleloader was did I so the shoots went away. I traded off my .54 and had a Knight .54 rifle with no scope for many years and then a Remington .54, then a TC Omega .50 and now my TC Encore .50 but in the middle of all of that I found a gent selling out of all his BP stuff and he had a TC New Englander in .50 so I bought it and have it hanging on a wooden gun holder I built for my first New Englander many years ago...

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