Live from the Stand 2022


Staff member
Deer season is underway in South Carolina. I left work at 4:30 and am in the stand. Saw 3 deer as soon as I got up in the stand. I’m sitting over a corn feeder, but I’m really watching over a 70 acre section of hardwoods that was select cut a few months ago. I’ve never been able to see this much ground at once. Nice breeze and no mosquitoes yet.
Deer season is underway in South Carolina. I left work at 4:30 and am in the stand. Saw 3 deer as soon as I got up in the stand. I’m sitting over a corn feeder, but I’m really watching over a 70 acre section of hardwoods that was select cut a few months ago. I’ve never been able to see this much ground at once. Nice breeze and no mosquitoes yet.
What’s the temperature like?
Saw 9 bucks and 1 doe. The one I was after showed up, but his body was significantly smaller than 4 of the other bucks. I held off.

The first buck is a perfectly symmetrical 10 pointer. The second is the one I was after. He did not appear to be a dominant buck when he interacted with the other bucks tonight.




Left and right views. 6 acres of Iron clay peas in both directions. Peas are up about 3-4”. Just finished raining. 76 degrees and 5-7 mph wind out of the southeast.

Don’t usually hunt until we can shoot does (Sep 15) but this is tolerable
Got a several more weeks before Archery/Crossbow opens in my section of the Florida Woods.

If the Possible Storm holds off or moves west, I plan to head up to do the Annual Trimming. Mowing, and Feeding.
I’m in my blind for the first hunt of the year. Had a good entry with the wind in my face and I feel good about this hunt. My target has shown here in daylight several times lately.

if I don’t score this evening I’m spending the night and hunting in the morning. This will be the first time I have ever done that. My trigger happy neighbor is watching around my home tonight, so no worries. ;)
I had him in the standing corn but it was blocking his vitals. He’s moved on out of sight. There’s always another day.