That’s a wrap 2022

Well all tagged out on the last morning I had free to go. I’ve been building a hunting cabin on my property this fall and trying to get it water tight before winter sets in so didn’t get a lot of time to hunt.
Didn’t want to go without deer meat so
Ended up taking a nice little 5 point with the rifle on December 3.
Then on December 7 I had a free hour in the morning before heading to the camp so I went to the plot. There were 2 bucks hanging around there for a few days before.
Wind direction was absolutely perfect and a light rain made the sneak in about as quiet as it could possibly be. The plot is in an L shape and when I made it to the first corner I could hear the bucks at the other end grunting and sparring and running around, my heart started to put a little pep in its step at this point. I figured this was about as good an opportunity as you could ask for to sneak up on them so I continued to inch my way along. Once I made it to one of the push offs I waited there and the smaller 8 point walked out about 60 yards from me. I waited a couple of minutes motionless and could see the bigger 8 working his way up the lower end of the L. He continued up and stood next to the other 8 point. In my 20 plus years of hunting/stalking deer I’ve never had anything come together like this.
In a bit of disbelief I settled the crosshairs behind his front shoulder and fired.
In the cloud of smoke I had no idea if I hit or not, couldn’t even tell which deer went which way lol.
So I walked up to where they were standing and spotted a few pieces of hair so I knew I connected. I backed out and called my brother to come help me look and gave him some time.
We went back in about 30 minutes after the shot and found blood within minutes. As soon as we figured out the direction he was heading we could see him piled up, only went about 40 yards!
Not the biggest buck I’ve ever shot but definitely one of the most memorable experiences , and with very little time to get out in the woods this year to take him on the property I’m building the camp on was priceless.
Hope you all had a great season!
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