Live from the stand - 2023

I’ve watched a big doe group this morning just gorging themselves with goodies. It started at the late dropping sawtooths. Then they worked on the wheat as they made their way to a persimmon tree. Now they are at an early dropping swamp chestnut oak.

Edit - a frisky 2 year old 8 point just cleared them out.

Looks like Kieffer Pears for dessert.
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Was in the stand at 6 too dark to see anything when I heard footsteps. All I could see was a white rack as it walked between the tree and the ladder right under my stand. Only other deer I saw was a nice chocolate racked 8 point out in the neighbors pasture across the stone wall about 200 yards from my stand. Beautiful morning with lots of maple leaves falling and the smell of fall in the air.
Well, cell service was not sufficient to post live but I did have an encounter with my #1 target buck this evening. He was slow trailing a doe about 70 yards out. I was only catching glimpses of antler and then he hit a small hole and I immediately recognized him. He was in the area this morning as well.


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It seems the theme as of late is choosing the wrong area. Last Saturday morning I sat a stand on the upper 20 and saw a doe, a 4 pt, and a third deer that was not distinguishable…all the while one of my target bucks showed in a food plot on the lower 20 (first pic). This morning I sat the lower 20 with winds out of the NW and got close to a dozen camera notifications on the upper 20, one of which looks to be a decent buck at first light (left edge of second pic). I didn’t come down until 1:00 and was limited to seeing only a small spike at 10:45 for the entire morning hunt. Hopefully things liven up for the evening.



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It seems the theme as of late is choosing the wrong area. Last Saturday morning I sat a stand on the upper 20 and saw a doe, a 4 pt, and a third deer that was not distinguishable…all the while one of my target bucks showed in a food plot on the lower 20 (first pic). This morning I sat the lower 20 with winds out of the NW and got close to a dozen camera notifications on the upper 20, one of which looks to be a decent buck at first light (left edge of second pic). I didn’t come down until 1:00 and was limited to seeing only a small spike at 10:45 for the entire morning hunt. Hopefully things liven up for the evening.



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Sounds like he has you patterned quite well. 😁
I watched this little spike work one of my mock scrapes yesterday evening. Cool to see one using it in person even if it’s not the one I’m looking for.


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I agree, I’ve probably seen it four or five times in five decades of hunting, all non-target bucks. The coolest one though, was when I was scouting before season and heard one pawing the ground behind some bushes. I eased out and he had his back to me and was tearing that ground up ! After a few seconds he just froze, looked back over his shoulder at me and hauled azz ! I’m sure he smelled me because I was frozen in place, barely breathing. I was probably twenty feet from him. It was exhilarating ! That was my first time to see it and he was a decent buck for the area.
I agree, I’ve probably seen it four or five times in five decades of hunting, all non-target bucks. The coolest one though, was when I was scouting before season and heard one pawing the ground behind some bushes. I eased out and he had his back to me and was tearing that ground up ! After a few seconds he just froze, looked back over his shoulder at me and hauled azz ! I’m sure he smelled me because I was frozen in place, barely breathing. I was probably twenty feet from him. It was exhilarating ! That was my first time to see it and he was a decent buck for the area.

I’ve only seen it a handful of times as well and the one time that it was a shooter, he spotted me at full draw. He was working a scrape out of range initially and there was a holly tree between so I didn’t feel rushed to draw until I knew what he was gonna do. When he finally turned to come past me I drew and waited and as he came around the holly, he looked right at me. After a short stare down he took off back the way he came. Lol. That’s the way those older bucks do!

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I guess he didn’t show ! I was live from the stand yesterday…..all day ! I took an hour at lunch and yesterday afternoon was hot in that blind I can testify. I saw one spike on my skidder trail turned wheat plot. IMG_2264.jpeg
I think this is the same 9 point I passed a few days ago at 20 yds. He looks mature and about 137ish. This morning some does lured him into the field but he suddenly got nervous and headed back for cover.

Saw two separate little ones this morning and then it got warm. Hopefully it cools enough this evening for some movement. One of my target bucks was around in the early morning hours before shooting light (time stamps is off from daylight savings) this morning.


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Waiting on old pig to come out.


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Ended up shooting two out of a group of about 10 that came out just after dark. No pics or vids as I was walking back to the RTV when the action took place and didn’t have time to hit record on the scope. I left the pigs in the woods as they weren’t fit to eat. Next one I get is going in some tamales.


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Sitting on one of my leases this morning overlooking a Green Cover food plot. There’s a nubbin buck and his momma in the feeder pen. I sat most of the day here yesterday and saw seven bucks including the nubbin. Most were young but one was at least 3.5 and probably would score high twenties or low thirties. I’m not that tight on venison yet so I let him walk. IMG_2302.jpeg