Live from the stand 2021

Cold wet morning on the mountains. I’ve seen 3 or 4 young bucks pushing does around. My leeward hillsides providing a break from the wind but it’s a swirling mess.

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Watching over a Pennsylvania beanfield on a blustery Saturday afternoon in November. Bucks have been moving all day long, but the big boys seem to be in lock down.
I wound up seeing five deer this morning, two small bucks, two does, and one unknown. I heard two boar hogs going at it tooth and nail, but no hogs ever showed where I was. Good luck to everyone hunting this afternoon !
First sit of the year this afternoon for me. Count stands at 10 does and 1 really nice 2 yr old 8 who was tending to one of the does. The 2 yr old was the nicest buck I’ve had on camera since august so looking forward to what else happens this evening
In the hardwoods this evening. Passed on a buck this morning right after first light I probably should have taken.



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37* this morning at NHHC.

That might not be cold to some of y’all but to this Transplanted Florida Boy of over 20 years, it’s damn cold.

Slept in my Truck Tent. Woke about 1:00 to turn my new Heater on. Glad I had it.

Passed a nice big Doe last night just before dark. Still waiting on a decent Buck.

But today another Doe comes around today and she may pay the Gas Bill for the drive up here.

Last sit today.

Good Luck y’all.

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The front deer is a beautiful, wide 9 pointer that is going to be awesome in a year or two. The direction he’s walking bodes well for his immediate future as there is nothing but safety on that end of the property.
Windy start supposed to warm up today.saw two doe on the way end hopefully they are moving

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