Live from the Stand 2022

Last warm evening for a while.


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Hunted this plot for the first time this year. It overlooks a plot of forage beans that were overseeded with brassicas and cereal rye. As you can see, it’s been hammered. At one point, I had 13 does and fawns in. I’ll fill my either sex archery tag with a doe the next few days (rifle season starts the 19th).

I’d left windows open the last few weeks to air it out. Apparently, a mouse managed to get in. He’d built a nest in the D-Con bag you see here (yes, he’d been chewing on some of it). After the apocalypse, I’m sure coyotes, mice and roaches will rule the world. BE79884F-6D3B-4EAB-850D-37C94969557E.jpegDB0DC2CF-087F-4AA1-9B9C-5A501AB4299D.jpeg
I saw the same deer this afternoon that I saw this morning I think, only this time the buck showed himself. I didn’t get to look at him long but looked like a 2.5 year old to me. E70402D5-629D-40D7-9509-AA015DADB812.jpeg
Clear, still, frosty and 20 degrees. Bowhunting on the ridge at the lease. Forgot it’s “Fall Jamboree” for the Boyscouts and I am just about 1/4 mile above and to the right of their camp…loud when they wake up! Have passed 2 young’s bucks so far…watched them scrape and run all around me.


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Squeezing in a morning hunt before church. Had something walking along the edge of the new cutover just after first light, but never could see it. Then had a few dogs come through from the lady up the road. I hope they're just escaping and not roaming free.

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Warmed up to 42F, feels like beach weather. Saw 5 or 6 different bucks chasing does this morning, all small. Nothing since ~1130.

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Back n stand early. Sunny south slope on ridge. 20 this morn 40 deg now. Freshened both scrapes nearby. Snow/ice storm tonight. Hopefully move early.

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Back n stand early. Sunny south slope on ridge. 20 this morn 40 deg now. Freshened both scrapes nearby. Snow/ice storm tonight. Hopefully move early.

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My exact weather forecast.

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Heavy movement 2-3:30 then nothing. One nice brow tine buck but gave him pass for another year. Doubt he makes it as this the 3rd time I’ve drawn on him. Not too bright 3yo and someone will get him rifle next wk.

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Uneventful evening sit. I decided to shift around 2:30, the wind was bad in the morning spot and not improving. 22 hours in a saddle over two days, headed home but I’ll be back after it Saturday! Great rut hunt, even if the bucks were small, it’s just fun watching deer do deer things.

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Live from camp this morning. Unzipped the tent around 7 and a really nice buck was standing at 50 yards just staring at me. I’m not sure if he was a shooter or not but he was pretty nice. Maybe he’ll wander by one of my terrain funnels next week.

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Not live from the stand but live from my dining room. I was eating breakfast and I noticed a deer come out of the woods into our backyard area and it was a huge buck...easily 150”. He walked about 1/4 way across the backyard and one of our laying hens all of a sudden started bragging about an edge she laid and he ran off behind my shooting berm toward the road dividing our property. I am sure he crossed the road into our larger parcel we hunt. I will be bowhunting over there later this evening and I hope I see him again!

He is not in the photo because I was dumbfounded. This is a photo of the area right now. The feeder is empty and I have been contemplating going to town and getting some corn for
