He’s a pretty deer but not a monster. I’ve seen him on camera for awhile now and he was one of my target bucks. We had a front move through yesterday that provided a break in the recent terrible heat/humidity. East/Northeast wind let me sit in a nice new stand I set up this summer that overlooks a food plot and waterhole as well as a road that divides 50 acres of clearcut (3 year regrowth) and 50 acres of oaks.
First deer was a young buck that came out around 6:30 PM. Not long after that I heard loud crashing somewhere to my left, and I caught a glimpse of a nice buck walking away from me down the road. He cut to the right into the clearcut. I grunted at him but got no reaction.
Does and fawns started to trickle out of the woods steadily, and by the way they were acting I knew that they had been bothered by bucks. The peak of the rut on this property is the last week of September.
Over the next half hour several young bucks appeared. 4 pointer, spike, 7 pointer...I was optimistic that the buck I had seen earlier would reappear. Sure enough, a nice deer stepped out of the clearcut at 7:15 or so. Got the binocs up and confirmed he was a shooter. I shot him behind the shoulder while he was approaching a group of 4 does. I knew it was a hit, but he ran off into the clearcut. I marked him very well then waited a full half hour to get my dog and go look for him. Saw good blood immediately and the dog was on him in about 10 seconds.
136 lb (liveweight) at the processor, but he was very rundown from the rut and man did he stink! For this particular property he was what I was after: venison.