Currently watching the sun rise over the South Carolina lowcountry marsh. It's hot, humid, and the mosquitos are horrendous, but it's deer season. Happy Opening Day!
I've seen 11 so far - 9 bucks and 2 does. At least 3 of the bucks are in hard antler. They have beautiful dark antlers. Had an easy shot opportunity at the nicest of the bunch - a wide 8 pointer with short time length.
The wind has been shockingly perfect so far out of the west/northwest.
I love to deer hunt but there's no way I'd want to be out this time of year. Sounds horrible....Good luck. Hunting deer in summer feeding patterns sounds appealing though.
Currently cleaning out the drill after planting some Bahia grass, then I may head to a buddy's to plant 10 acres of millet for him. Will be back in the stand this afternoon.
In the meantime, this is my local processors Facebook page if y'all want to see the deer shot around here on opening day:
I still wait till mid September before I sit. My co-worker was laughing at me yesterday cause I was looking at the Cordrays page about every 20 mins yesterday morning.