Live from the stand 2017

When does your legal shooting light end? It’s a half hour after sunset here and I don’t think I could see a deer in a field at that point unless there’s snow
Same hear. Legal light was 5:28pm today. Heard him shoot at 5:39pm.

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Sheesh, they must have a good scope. I heard the same thing from my neighbors this year. I’m beginning to think I just can’t see in low light
Well. It was a great hunt for a kid. Sat a total of a hour and a half. Squirrels came out first, which is great practice for a kid to follow in his scope. Squirrels scattered so I told him to be on the lookout for a predator. Sure enough a bobcat came through. Squirrels came back out. First deer showed up right before last legal light. He was holding out for a buck. Doe ran off when a coyote came into the plot. Made a little racket trying to swap guns. No shot on the coyote. Sat back. Another doe come running through the plot with a good 2 year old chasing her. Way past legal light. Didn't stop my neighbor on the south end of my place from shooting. It was fun and we both left with a smile

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Sounds like a great day together in the stand. It's amazing to see all the things enjoy your property that you wouldn't normally see on a work day, especially with your son watching it too.

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Sounds like a great day together in the stand. It's amazing to see all the things enjoy your property that you wouldn't normally see on a work day, especially with your son watching it too.

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I can't agree more. It was a great evening. It was a learning experience all around. He increased his sit time by 30 minutes. Hopefully we can get one to come out with enough light for him to feel comfortable.

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Sheesh, they must have a good scope. I heard the same thing from my neighbors this year. I’m beginning to think I just can’t see in low light
I can see well enough to kill a deer at 100 yards with my binoculars and scope 20 minutes after legal light. We also had a 10% waxing moon tonight that was up and bright to add to it. I'm sure my wife will see it on Facebook soon.

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Strong wind in my face, but I know I should be in the woods. The fields have a draw on me that's hard for me to turn down.

Merry Christmas!

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Getting desperate to get one last hunt in. The season ends Monday here and we’re supposed to get hammered with snow until then, on top of single digit temperatures every morning and night.
I’d like to brave the elements and hunt, but the lake effect snow might keep me from making the 45 minute drive.
Merry Christmas!

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Yesterday, grandson Robert got his first buck



He was a happy camper and now has one up on his little brother, who actually killed a deer before Robert did. Also, Jack is ready to try bow hunting. Looks like Poppa gotta keep planting those food plots, and more trees, and more lime, and, and....
Congrats to your grandson! That is just great and he looks really happy. I hope those grandsons are sharing some deer steaks with you...
Day old and dead so I can't say "Live From the Stand". Took my 12 year old niece hunting last night. She's been hunting hard with her grandpa but they haven't seen the first deer. Had a window at work to leave early and I took it. We bumped this buck walking in. He was bedded down with a doe in the cutover. She was upset but I told her don't worry, he'll be back. We get settle in and we start making bets on what time the deer are coming out. I tried to keep it fun and interesting so they don't want to leave early. I told her that the buck we saw would be back at 5:18pm. Well at 5:15pm he stepped out directly across from us at 90 yards and made a standing scrape. We got my son's 7mm-08 up and situated on the tripod. After finding him in the scope I told her don't lose him. He fed directly towards us for what seemed like an hour but it was only 3 or 4 minutes. He finally turned broadside. I told her to take her shot and she did. I watched the shot but he didn't react like he was hit. He ran off in the woods. She didn't feel good about the shot but I stayed optimistic. We climb out of the blind and went and looked for blood. I didn't find any hair or blood. Followed where the deer exited the field and found nothing. Went about 10 yards into the woods and still nothing. I felt like she hit the deer being so close and as steady as she was. We backed out and I called my friend with the blood dog. He was heading on a paid track and said it would be a little while. We met back up at 8:45pm. This is where it gets cool. When I pulled up into the field there were 4 does in it. They eased on off. That's when I noticed a white belly in the field. About that time my buddy pulled up. I got out and told him that I think that deer is laying 30 yards from my blind dead. Sure enough we walked across the field and there he was. Dead. He hadn't been dead long because his jaw wasn't even stiff. Got him back home and capped him out. She shot a little high and clipped the top of the lung and exited a little back but before the guts. Probably the reason why we didn't find any blood. Needless to say she was beyond happy when I text her the news that we found her deer. Couldn't be anymore happy and proud for her. Not to shabby for a kids first deer

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Prob last sit of season. Only went to go w my son. He had ML and I took bow. Really been frigid past week. Seen few but I knew neither of us would shoot. Just last chance to enjoy a hunt for the year. Pic my son took as he sat against a tree tonight.

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Had a yearling in the field in front of me for 2 hours. She did a little dance and hid behind the feeder and when I turned around there were 5 nice does behind me. This one was the biggest. Over 120 on the processor scale.

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Good eats !
Had a yearling in the field in front of me for 2 hours. She did a little dance and hid behind the feeder and when I turned around there were 5 nice does behind me. This one was the biggest. Over 120 on the processor scale.

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Nice. Which processor do you use?