Live from the stand 2017

Prob last sit of season. Only went to go w my son. He had ML and I took bow. Really been frigid past week. Seen few but I knew neither of us would shoot. Just last chance to enjoy a hunt for the year. Pic my son took as he sat against a tree tonight.

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Tell your son, very nice picture Dogghr. Love the composition the grass in the front of the picture adds to it. Only thing that might make it even more interesting would be a hundred or so wild apple and pear trees growing in a thick "natural" fashion on each side of that swale pointing to the pickup. Are those some apple or pear trees growing their now? Beautiful area you live in.

We have small amounts of that grass growing here in some of our more sandy spots. I know it is common but don't know the name of it. I remember the pheasants used to dust in the openings between them on the side hills in Connecticut. As kids we always called it Indian grass so I never looked it up. What is the correct name for it?
Tell your son, very nice picture Dogghr. Love the composition the grass in the front of the picture adds to it. Only thing that might make it even more interesting would be a hundred or so wild apple and pear trees growing in a thick "natural" fashion on each side of that swale pointing to the pickup. Are those some apple or pear trees growing their now? Beautiful area you live in.

We have small amounts of that grass growing here in some of our more sandy spots. I know it is common but don't know the name of it. I remember the pheasants used to dust in the openings between them on the side hills in Connecticut. As kids we always called it Indian grass so I never looked it up. What is the correct name for it?
Thanks Chain. Those are mostly Willows in the creek and our infamous red cedar trees that love to take over fields here. None of those trees were there when the cattle farm was bought 8 years ago. Alfalfa and brassica field to upper left and brassica/clover to right. My apples are on the ridge top to the left. In the broomsedge directly in front and distance is planted hazelnuts and silky dogwood, and some white pine. That transition will be a few years I'm sure. As for the truck, I figured my son would forget and shoot a running deer putting a hole in his new rig.
Hoping the second time in almost 12 years goes better than the first. 31°F with a stout North wind and temps falling fast. She's comfortable and I'm burning up on just jeans and a pullover. Those heaters work.

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Last hunt of the season, first hunt of the year. It’s frigid and very windy. I’m in the stand earlier than ever because I expect the deer to be hungry.

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It was 3 degrees last night and only hit 14 today...last day of antlerless rifle season was yesterday so I felt it safe enough to walk our fence line to make sure it was in good shape. Ended up jumping this buck about 200 yards from this feeder. Got a real good look at him and he looked huge going through the trees. He is wounded by I suspect an arrow and I have been watching him with trail cams all month to see if he makes it. I tagged out on bucks so he is not being hunted for by me as our archery season runs another couple weeks...hope to find his sheds...


Saw 4 other deer while I was moving around. The trail cams showed our plot was popular until after 10:00 this morning...

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It was 3 degrees last night and only hit 14 today...last day of antlerless rifle season was yesterday so I felt it safe enough to walk our fence line to make sure it was in good shape. Ended up jumping this buck about 200 yards from this feeder. Got a real good look at him and he looked huge going through the trees. He is wounded by I suspect an arrow and I have been watching him with trail cams all month to see if he makes it. I tagged out on bucks so he is not being hunted for by me as our archery season runs another couple weeks...hope to find his sheds...


Saw 4 other deer while I was moving around. The trail cams showed our plot was popular until after 10:00 this morning...

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that deer is huge
My wife was kind enough to let me take her hunting again this afternoon. She threw on some of my camoflauge that I still had from high school (25 years old). Made it to the stand around 3:30pm. It was a slow afternoon. Full moon high winds but bitterly cold. I felt good that we would see something. This was my wife's third hunt with me and for her life. At 5:10pm this buck steps out to the feeder at 135 yards. We got the gun ready and had to wait for a minute for the deer to turn broadside. He did and she sent her Christmas present on the way (6.5 creedmoor topped with a Nikon 3.5-14x40mm). He dropped in his tracks. She and I were both beyond excited. I'm hoped she's hooked.

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Well, Jack (who was the only grandson to get a deer last year) was a little concerned that his big brother was getting ahead of him this year. Just lucky I guess, as the older brother was the one who was not even ready to take target practice before Youth weekend hunt.
So, Jack and I took to the Mandy shooting house yesterday, sat in some wind that was quite chilly for Southeast, and enjoyed our fill of Starburst, Dum Dums, and cough drops for me! It was not a big one but Jack placed a late, late afternoon perfect shot with a 7mm 08. Deer dropped in its tracks.

Was supposed to be warmer yesterday but it was quite chilly. At one point we pinned up a camo window to block some of the wind.

Just before the deer showed up I had Jack stand in the corner where he was protected from the wind. He was quite the good trooper.

Back at home we are discussing the hunt with big brother, and they both are excited about NOW going after Mr. Big.
I've dropped 3 does this season, but no bucks yet. Been a cold January...23 deg on one morning hunt...very unusual for here. Bucks are just starting to move with the February rut about 3 weeks away. Been after a really Wide 6 all season but a 10 showed up recently....I think either one gets a CoreLokt!
Wide 6.jpg Big 10.jpg
Good luck Jack and LnG!

Final day of our bow season today...

54 degrees is nice! 18 degrees and 25 mph wind here but no usual...
I haven't been on in a long time since I'm still working here in Oklahoma. We have about 3" up here in Fairland and half of it is ice. It doesn't make for good work in the Petroleum world. I wish we could send some down to you guys. The geese are still flying over Grand Lake though where my fifth wheel is.
I haven't been on in a long time since I'm still working here in Oklahoma. We have about 3" up here in Fairland and half of it is ice. It doesn't make for good work in the Petroleum world. I wish we could send some down to you guys. The geese are still flying over Grand Lake though where my fifth wheel is.
Good to hear from you Rickey...wish we could have met up sometime but my new job has me working a bunch of hours...
We had a great season over here in the NE section of the state and I am glad bow season ended today so we can actually maybe see what made it through...
Good to hear from you Rickey...wish we could have met up sometime but my new job has me working a bunch of hours...
We had a great season over here in the NE section of the state and I am glad bow season ended today so we can actually maybe see what made it through...
We are working 6 days a week also. Safety meeting before sunup and roll out of the gate around dark. Sundays are my only day off. I will tell you this morning is really cold. -3 and wind chill is -16. I need to find a site south of I-10 in the winter. I only hunted a couple days this year. I did not see a deer from the stand but had some nice ones on the camera. It was not a good season at all. There are better ahead though. My cam pics were all night but I did have better bucks than the past couple.