......for ten minutes or so he fed in the plot and in the pen, but he kept those two pine trees between us. I can’t rest my right elbow on anything at the angle he was so I was a little wobbly. Add to that I was feeling my heart beat like this was my first deer ever. I thought I was over that, apparently not !

At any rate, he finally gave me a shot I could live with and I squeezed the trigger on my Alamo Precision .280 Remington. He mule kicked, jumped out of the pen and ran toward the neighbor, which is very close and very thick. To top it off, there’s a deep draw not too far from the property line. I shot for the high shoulder but being wobbly I had no idea if the shot was fatal, I just knew he didn’t drop at the shot.
So.....I texted the game warden who hunts the place next door and told him the buck went his way and asked if he was hunting. He texted back “no, go get him”. I’m thinking I may have to go and get Sarge because I have no idea about the shot so I began to gather my stuff up, but before I left I broke off the offending limb

It took me maybe ten minutes to get back to my truck, shed my outer clothes, and drive around to my plot. As I was driving down the pipeline adjacent to my plot I saw two big hogs between the rows of planted pines between me and the plot. They were getting out of Dodge ! I drive up to my pen, stopping a little short so I can look for his tracks and possibly blood. The tracks were apparent as it rained from about 1:00 this morning to about thirty minutes after I got in the stand. As I was looking in the direction the tracks were heading something out of place caught my eye. I’m thinking it was an antler, took another couple steps and the buck just sort of materialized.

Y’all have all been there, looking right at it but can’t see it. He was lying about 10 yards the other side of the old rotten fence that borders the two places. Right then I thanked God for being able to do what we do, for the venison that He provided for us to use, and most of all, that the buck died quickly (and not in that big draw)
I judged him at 4.5 years when he was standing broadside in the plot, he’s a little over 15.5” wide, has decent mass, and was fairly heavy. I did run home, put on my hitch haul, and get Sarge and my wife. I’m a lucky guy to be able to put this boy in the freezer this year because between the timber cutters and the warm temps we haven’t been seeing much.
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