I awoke at 4:30 am and went into the living room and our house has perimeter lighting and we also have a security light on the power pole in front of our home so if the lights are off inside you can see well out in the yard...I could see deer eating our yard clover so I just sat and watched them for a bit before I started getting ready. Eventually the deer filtered around to the back of the house which allowed me to leave by going out the front door to leave. I had planned last night to try something I had never done which would be go into our property and travel to a deep hollow just past my west neighbors house and drop into it and climb the other side and then travel east to a hang on stand I have at the north end of the property. This would be kind of like a west perimeter access to try to keep the center of the property undisturbed this morning. Almost immediately upon crossing the road I realized this was going to be impossible as it was so incredibly still that sliding down into that hollow and then actually climbing the other side was going to cause much too much commotion. I then decided to sit a ladder near the west end of the south plot. I was slowly working my way to the stand when I heard deer in front of me walking in the leaves and to avoid spooking them I backed out. I then went to the only place I could think of which was to walk along the east fence to the point that the terrain started getting rugged and then await enough light to be able to see well enough to silently as possible move along that uneven terrain. I was sitting awaiting better light when I heard someone hunting on my east neighbor shoot within 70 yards of my position. I waited to see if deer ran my direction but I saw none so I continued along the fence to about 1320 feet into the property and I sat on the ground up above the creek bottom where I could see the hillside past the creek and I had my east fence at my back. 5 minutes into the sit 2 does worked their way from the interior of our property to a fence crossing past and below my position and they crossed to the east. At 8:00 I heard something behind me so I turned and 14 does we’re making their way along the east fence over on my neighbors land...they all passed without incident. At 8:15 a small 4 point buck came from our property and crossed that fence. I sat till 11 with no other sightings...