2020 Live from the Stand

Had one of those great, but disappointing mornings. Back at the old home place; not sure how much longer we’re gonna get to hunt here, landowner’s health is deteriorating unfortunately, he’s a great guy. Anyway, had a big nine on his way to my snort wheeze before a doe intercepted him. She then proceeded to take hi into open meadow, directly downwind. :( Closest they got was 60.
Got a little video, would have had better, but was beginning to prepare for shot.
Had one of those great, but disappointing mornings. Back at the old home place; not sure how much longer we’re gonna get to hunt here, landowner’s health is deteriorating unfortunately, he’s a great guy. Anyway, had a big nine on his way to my snort wheeze before a doe intercepted him. She then proceeded to take hi into open meadow, directly downwind. :( Closest they got was 60.
Got a little video, would have had better, but was beginning to prepare for shot.
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I hate it when things like that happen but it is why it is hunting and not killing...
Had one of those great, but disappointing mornings. Back at the old home place; not sure how much longer we’re gonna get to hunt here, landowner’s health is deteriorating unfortunately, he’s a great guy. Anyway, had a big nine on his way to my snort wheeze before a doe intercepted him. She then proceeded to take hi into open meadow, directly downwind. :( Closest they got was 60.
Got a little video, would have had better, but was beginning to prepare for shot.
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Looks like a nice buck too !
This mornings hunt was wet, windy and cold. I got in the new ladder stand I set up toward our north end and accessed it by traveling right up our East fence. It worked perfect with the west wind. I saw 5 does being followed by this buck right down my raked trail...



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This deer has let his guard down in the last 3 days. I've seen him in shooting lanes several times and this afternoon he came into the lowest and most secluded part of the food plot an hour before dark. He was starved to death and has broken off a G2 and a brow tine. I decided to let him go this time. He might even grow a bigger rack next year.

This deer has let his guard down in the last 3 days. I've seen him in shooting lanes several times and this afternoon he came into the lowest and most secluded part of the food plot an hour before dark. He was starved to death and has broken off a G2 and a brow tine. I decided to let him go this time. He might even grow a bigger rack next year.

Good call!
This deer has let his guard down in the last 3 days. I've seen him in shooting lanes several times and this afternoon he came into the lowest and most secluded part of the food plot an hour before dark. He was starved to death and has broken off a G2 and a brow tine. I decided to let him go this time. He might even grow a bigger rack next year.

Chasing girls is hard work.
Alright kids...it is story time that ends up with most everything but a dead deer...

I was pretty excited to see that my target deer is finally getting close to day walking and a look back at photos over the past couple of years show that he does this about the same time every year as he gets really hungry after rutting...I am usually tagged out so he pretty much has had free range in the past...
I got in my stand at 2:00 pm just knowing today would be the day. Wind was Westerly which will work for the stand I chose well back in the oaks with a nearby on demand feeder that is one of his favorite haunts. At 4:45 I noticed the wind had completely died and the thermals were kicking in and for some reason the slight coolness I felt was on my right cheek which meant the air was falling to my north...which is the direction most deer come from... At about 5:10 a 4 pointer came up out of the creek bottom and was circling out around to come in when he suddenly looked to the northwest and I could hear a deer coming...when it walked into sight I immediately went into Buck fever! The deer was extremely nervous and the tall rack and large body had me shaking...he appeared to stare right through me because the thermals were right in his direction and he was spooky as all get out. I finally got my rifle on him and decided to look the rack over 1 more time before I took the shot and that is when I realized I was not looking at my target buck. This buck was a newly to our place and would explain its nervousness. In size he was similar to the one Native Hunter posted a photo of a couple of post back...very tall, good mass, long tines. He was a good 140 but he is smaller than my target so I lowered my rifle and watched him. He was pretty magnificent and he finally worked his way past my position with the 4 point and went toward the south plot. By this time it was about 5:35 and very hard to make anything out. It was that time when the sun going down causes your eyes to lose focus because you haven’t got your night eyes yet. I was awaiting to hear the big deer walk out of hearing before I got down and before I could another deer came in quickly from the NW. I could not make it out and thought it may be a spike I have seen a lot but I finally got my rifle scope on it and it was a very nice 3 yr old I recognized...I could not make him out by eye but my scope gathers light and I could see through it. He is chowing down on corn 25 yards away and I hear other deer come running in. By this time the moon has taken over the light duties and I can see better. It is 3 does and I can make them out eating, and flailing at each other with their front legs...all of a sudden the buck at the feeder looks up and moves to the East away from the feeder and I see another deer come in forcefully and walk past the feeder toward the younger buck. I put my scope on it and it is my target buck. I can see the extra tine he has on one side and I have the scope right on him at 20 yards in the moonlight. I just lower my gun and watch...after a couple minutes the does get enough of my scent that they have had enough and leave. The smaller buck leaves going toward the creek bottom and the large buck follows him but then turns around and comes back. It is well after dark now and I hear another deer walking in from the west and the big buck walks that way to intercept so I make my move to leave. I tied my rifle on the pull rope and lowered it and then I quietly climb down and start easing away on my raked trail...I hear the deer walk away from me but they never ran nor make any other noises...I quietly walked home without incident after that.

I am excited for tomorrow!
Alright kids...it is story time that ends up with most everything but a dead deer...

I was pretty excited to see that my target deer is finally getting close to day walking and a look back at photos over the past couple of years show that he does this about the same time every year as he gets really hungry after rutting...I am usually tagged out so he pretty much has had free range in the past...
I got in my stand at 2:00 pm just knowing today would be the day. Wind was Westerly which will work for the stand I chose well back in the oaks with a nearby on demand feeder that is one of his favorite haunts. At 4:45 I noticed the wind had completely died and the thermals were kicking in and for some reason the slight coolness I felt was on my right cheek which meant the air was falling to my north...which is the direction most deer come from... At about 5:10 a 4 pointer came up out of the creek bottom and was circling out around to come in when he suddenly looked to the northwest and I could hear a deer coming...when it walked into sight I immediately went into Buck fever! The deer was extremely nervous and the tall rack and large body had me shaking...he appeared to stare right through me because the thermals were right in his direction and he was spooky as all get out. I finally got my rifle on him and decided to look the rack over 1 more time before I took the shot and that is when I realized I was not looking at my target buck. This buck was a newly to our place and would explain its nervousness. In size he was similar to the one Native Hunter posted a photo of a couple of post back...very tall, good mass, long tines. He was a good 140 but he is smaller than my target so I lowered my rifle and watched him. He was pretty magnificent and he finally worked his way past my position with the 4 point and went toward the south plot. By this time it was about 5:35 and very hard to make anything out. It was that time when the sun going down causes your eyes to lose focus because you haven’t got your night eyes yet. I was awaiting to hear the big deer walk out of hearing before I got down and before I could another deer came in quickly from the NW. I could not make it out and thought it may be a spike I have seen a lot but I finally got my rifle scope on it and it was a very nice 3 yr old I recognized...I could not make him out by eye but my scope gathers light and I could see through it. He is chowing down on corn 25 yards away and I hear other deer come running in. By this time the moon has taken over the light duties and I can see better. It is 3 does and I can make them out eating, and flailing at each other with their front legs...all of a sudden the buck at the feeder looks up and moves to the East away from the feeder and I see another deer come in forcefully and walk past the feeder toward the younger buck. I put my scope on it and it is my target buck. I can see the extra tine he has on one side and I have the scope right on him at 20 yards in the moonlight. I just lower my gun and watch...after a couple minutes the does get enough of my scent that they have had enough and leave. The smaller buck leaves going toward the creek bottom and the large buck follows him but then turns around and comes back. It is well after dark now and I hear another deer walking in from the west and the big buck walks that way to intercept so I make my move to leave. I tied my rifle on the pull rope and lowered it and then I quietly climb down and start easing away on my raked trail...I hear the deer walk away from me but they never ran nor make any other noises...I quietly walked home without incident after that.

I am excited for tomorrow!

Exciting story Johnny. Keep us posted.
Alright kids...it is story time that ends up with most everything but a dead deer...

I was pretty excited to see that my target deer is finally getting close to day walking and a look back at photos over the past couple of years show that he does this about the same time every year as he gets really hungry after rutting...I am usually tagged out so he pretty much has had free range in the past...
I got in my stand at 2:00 pm just knowing today would be the day. Wind was Westerly which will work for the stand I chose well back in the oaks with a nearby on demand feeder that is one of his favorite haunts. At 4:45 I noticed the wind had completely died and the thermals were kicking in and for some reason the slight coolness I felt was on my right cheek which meant the air was falling to my north...which is the direction most deer come from... At about 5:10 a 4 pointer came up out of the creek bottom and was circling out around to come in when he suddenly looked to the northwest and I could hear a deer coming...when it walked into sight I immediately went into Buck fever! The deer was extremely nervous and the tall rack and large body had me shaking...he appeared to stare right through me because the thermals were right in his direction and he was spooky as all get out. I finally got my rifle on him and decided to look the rack over 1 more time before I took the shot and that is when I realized I was not looking at my target buck. This buck was a newly to our place and would explain its nervousness. In size he was similar to the one Native Hunter posted a photo of a couple of post back...very tall, good mass, long tines. He was a good 140 but he is smaller than my target so I lowered my rifle and watched him. He was pretty magnificent and he finally worked his way past my position with the 4 point and went toward the south plot. By this time it was about 5:35 and very hard to make anything out. It was that time when the sun going down causes your eyes to lose focus because you haven’t got your night eyes yet. I was awaiting to hear the big deer walk out of hearing before I got down and before I could another deer came in quickly from the NW. I could not make it out and thought it may be a spike I have seen a lot but I finally got my rifle scope on it and it was a very nice 3 yr old I recognized...I could not make him out by eye but my scope gathers light and I could see through it. He is chowing down on corn 25 yards away and I hear other deer come running in. By this time the moon has taken over the light duties and I can see better. It is 3 does and I can make them out eating, and flailing at each other with their front legs...all of a sudden the buck at the feeder looks up and moves to the East away from the feeder and I see another deer come in forcefully and walk past the feeder toward the younger buck. I put my scope on it and it is my target buck. I can see the extra tine he has on one side and I have the scope right on him at 20 yards in the moonlight. I just lower my gun and watch...after a couple minutes the does get enough of my scent that they have had enough and leave. The smaller buck leaves going toward the creek bottom and the large buck follows him but then turns around and comes back. It is well after dark now and I hear another deer walking in from the west and the big buck walks that way to intercept so I make my move to leave. I tied my rifle on the pull rope and lowered it and then I quietly climb down and start easing away on my raked trail...I hear the deer walk away from me but they never ran nor make any other noises...I quietly walked home without incident after that.

I am excited for tomorrow!

Great story.
Maybe today is the day.
I haven’t had a good morning so far...a slight SE breeze and I knew my East fence approach would put my scent all the way through property so I decided to do center trail approach to get to north end and try to catch bucks going to bed from feeding. I got near the center of the property where there is a 4 port feeder on the east side of the trail about 60 yards and I was hoping with the favorable wind direction to be able to ease past it without spooking anything. Unfortunately that didn’t work out. There was a big deer at the feeder and all I can figure is somehow he saw me because the wind was right and I was absolutely silent. I have never heard a deer making more noise when he was leaving than that one. I turned around and came back to the south plot and got in a stand and he was still blowing 10 minutes after I got situated getting further away...this property has access issues and I need to figure out how to get around those issues. If I didn’t have a right on the fence neighbor house on my west side that sits at the back of their 30 acres which means it’s more than 1/2 way back on ours and has 2 of the deepest, steepest hollows you have ever seen along that side I would just build a road down it with the dozer but having neighbors dogs barking at me and using ropes to climb out of those hollows doesn’t appeal to me...
Our movement has slowed considerably with this unseasonably warm weather (50 this morning). In addition, my shooters continue to be a no show. I’m a little concerned because there’s been more shots East and West of us than I ever remember. I’m certain, there are still a couple goods ones locked down in our sanctuary. I need a foot or two of snow on the ground and cold temps to get the big buys off of acorns and back into feeding mode in the plots. I did pass a 31/2 year old 8pt last night, but I’ll eat my buck take before intentionally shooting this age class buck. There’s still a little rut action going on...but not a lot. I’ll get back after them tonight....the thought of my Redskins getting beat up by the Cowboys is too painful to watch. It would ruin my thanksgiving. I’d rather have a sleepy/slow night in a deer blind:)
Had a good hunt this morning on the Massey. Saw 10 bucks and 5 does and fawns. Just not the right buck. Hunting a place close to the in-laws this afternoon. It’s kind of a tradition for everyone to hunt close to the farm on Thanksgiving. Got the decoy out and we’ll see what happens. The neighbors got a crate of the stuff that blows up when your shoot it sounds like. Might be a slow evening. :rolleyes:
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Sitting this evening out...family is here for the holiday and wind is absolutely wrong but tomorrow wind is spot on for hunting the hollow!