2020 Live from the Stand

Probably my favorite patch of woods on the whole 90...my target strolled through these woods last night and got to where I was about 10 minutes too late...hoping he is earlier this go around as I am closer to his bedding area...


I sat about 100 yards from here this morning and had 2 does and 2 fawns pass and a few minutes later old Wylie came along trailing them but he didn’t leave...




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All kinds of action here, hot doe in the draw. We’ve seen at least 4 bucks so far including one shooter that will not come into the clear.
Okie, what caliber is that lever gun ? Congrats on punching Wile E.’s ticket !

Cut, you’re whackin’ and stackin’ ! :)
I don’t even know if I should post this...I sat that tree i call the “Bat Tree” in the woods until dark but I could hear a deer walking slowly in my direction coming from a mess of an area I worked on with a chainsaw the first couple of years we owned the place down in an area I call “Pine Ridge”. My hope was that a big buck would someday use it as bedding because where it is located would be a very safe area from the neighbors and is not an area I normally travel so would have no pressure...I haven’t even seen it myself in a year now.

I noted when I got in the stand that a small scrape had appeared since I had last been to that stand over a week ago. The deer walked right up to that scrape at 5 yards so I looked at him through my scope because I could barely make anything out and I verified it was my target deer. About that time another deer came running in from the same area he came from and I saw it was one of the 3.5 yr olds and those bucks stood there and sparred. I could have shot him at 5 yards but it was beyond legal shooting time by a lot so I just kept sitting. I was nowhere near a feeder or plot and I knew those deer were going to head toward the feeder and plot soon so I waited them out and they finally slowly headed toward the south end of our place. I waited a few more minutes listening for any other movement and then got down...now my predicament is those 2 bucks were between me and home so I decided to go north and then cut east to our fence at the NE corner and then walk the fence all the way back...I bet I jumped 50 deer in that walk from one end to the other including some in our yard when I finally walked in...it’s a really rough walk...
That’s the 2nd time this week I could have killed him in the dark with no light...tomorrow is the final day of rifle. Give it one last try tomorrow...
Took out some first time junior hunters today, got three does on ice. Everyone got a deer, although there was some iffy shooting involved. The excitement and the first deer shakes even got my heart rate up a little higher. Mostly because I was wondering, now where is she going to hit this one?
Back at it, final day of the year that you can kill a buck with a firearm. Back to my Bowtech after today. 28, calm, frosty...I eased down my main raked trail and I could hear deer walking in the leaves all around so I just sat down in the middle of the trail...as it got lighter I heard a deer walking nearby and pretty soon a nice buck crossed my raked trail about 20 yards In front of me going into another raked trail heading west...a couple minutes later all he k broke loose from where he went and at least 3 deer ran back from the way he went...then another...I then heard the buck trotting around and he pushed a doe north...as soon as I could see well enough I eased to the closest tree stand I had in there which was 60 yards...silent as a mouse. At 7:15 2 gray foxes trotted by...just waiting it out now...
Good old 30-30...A few years ago I went back to hunting with my old original deer rifle circa 1979...

Hard to beat in the woods. I bought a Model 94 Big Bore in 1978, .375 Winchester, and I used it exclusively for several years. When I started hunting where I could shoot 300+ yards, I went with a .280 Rem Ruger 77. My son has that gun now, but I stuck with the cartridge.

I still have that .375 Win, I pull it out every now and then to smack a hog, and it does a good job !
Still sitting...decided to pull an all day sit...deer moved steadily through here till about 11 am...

Got to say, you sure are persistent.

Are bucks are starting to group up here, so I’m sure the rut is over. I sat Friday afternoon and saw 13 or 14 different bucks of all ages..the oldest being a 5 yr old 8 pt with good mass but I elicited to pass because I already took my number 1 target buck back in October, gun season closes today and with a 3 day muzzleloader next weekend and a 3 day gun hunt after Christmas I think he has a real good chance of making it till next year plus he is a regular on the farm. Now if a transplant 5 yr old moves in he probably won’t get a pass because winter transplants don’t seem to want to stay around for the next season.
Got to say, you sure are persistent.

Are bucks are starting to group up here, so I’m sure the rut is over. I sat Friday afternoon and saw 13 or 14 different bucks of all ages..the oldest being a 5 yr old 8 pt with good mass but I elicited to pass because I already took my number 1 target buck back in October, gun season closes today and with a 3 day muzzleloader next weekend and a 3 day gun hunt after Christmas I think he has a real good chance of making it till next year plus he is a regular on the farm. Now if a transplant 5 yr old moves in he probably won’t get a pass because winter transplants don’t seem to want to stay around for the next season.
I have a special deer I am after...lots of history on our farm. First got a photo of him in late 2013...
Back to the bow Okie? Or did you get him this evening?
Back to bow...had a nice 3.5 yr old 9 come in just at dark that I passed on. I am gonna give it a solid week before I give it a try to let it calm down from all the pressure.
Hard to beat in the woods. I bought a Model 94 Big Bore in 1978, .375 Winchester, and I used it exclusively for several years. When I started hunting where I could shoot 300+ yards, I went with a .280 Rem Ruger 77. My son has that gun now, but I stuck with the cartridge.

I still have that .375 Win, I pull it out every now and then to smack a hog, and it does a good job !
I've got a .32 special in model 94, shot my first several deer with it. There's dozens of lever action cartridges like that .375 win that are excellent deer cartridges but borderline obsolete, that bring lots of deer camp memories to many bygone generations of hunters.

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