Live from the Stand 2018

Actually just drove back from SC today and was thinking were you hunting and if you were doing any good. All I saw was beans and corn and gotta be healthy deer. Good luck, and watch for the gator.
The black bellied whistling duck is a Central/South American species that has gradually made its way north. I think we are at their extreme northern range. They are cavity nesters like wood ducks. I’m not sure if this is their normal nesting season or not.

I hunted Saturday and Sunday evenings and had memorable hunts. Had a bunch of deer out in front of me each night, and they were as relaxed as they can be. It’s cool to watch the interactions between bucks, does, and fawns at this time of year. The biggest buck on Saturday was a nice 3.5 year old 8 pointer still in velvet. He started sneezing/snorting and bucking his back legs straight up in the air. I’m pretty sure flies were bugging him. I’ve never heard a deer make that noise before.

On Sunday evening I had mostly bucks in front of me. A nice 3.5 year old in hard antler had a bunch of Spanish moss stuck in his rack. He had a fat belly...maybe 150-160 lbs. A nice buck came in behind me that might have been a shooter. He looked like he had great mass and was maybe a mature 6 pointer. He unfortunately went right instead of left and ended up directly downwind. That was the end of that.

No sign of the gator.
In my neck of the woods if you don’t get your target buck in the first 30 days of deer season your odds of connecting with said buck go down tremendously after that. The 30 day window just happens to coincide with bow season. After that all the rifle hunters come out plus couple that with the rut and everything goes nocturnal for the most part.

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image.jpeg I tried to hog hunt early Sunday morning. Well, I guess I did hog hunt, (emphasis on HUNT), but the hogs were a no-show. I did have a suspicious doe with twins show up though. She didn't stay long, might have had something to do with the sweat running off my bald head.
Mr yote is having a bad morning.

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Opening day. Foggy , still , dead quite from wk of rain, 50deg. Hunting original stand of property. Sits n a nondescript hillside that shows no promise but produces often.
6 bucks within 15 yds. 2 borderline shooters but with self imposed 1 buck limit only practiced drawing on them and no shots.
Home to watch game then Friends Wedding obligations tonight so this is it.

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Dogghr, pretty bow. What are you shooting?

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Thanks. Its a 50# Great Plains. Rio Bravo. Really shoots smooth and accurate. Graphite arrows tipped with 3 blade Hellraisers. I spooked one of the bucks bad when I raked my hand across the fletching. Deer hate that sound moreso than metal clacking for some reason. I think they feel it sounds like a predator coming thru brush or perhaps the scrape of a predators claws. Always wondered about that.
Nice. I love hunting with tradition bows. I typically shoot a hybrid long bow while my dad is more of a recurve guy. He retired about 10 years ago and built a bow shop and now makes traditional bows. Pretty cool hunting with something the old man made.

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Good Luck to those of you Hunting Now.

Got about 4 weeks then in my area Archey opens Looking forward to it.


I’m on the board. I’ve watched this buck for at least 4 years, and he is a perfect example of how some antlers are just weird.

He came out onto the marsh at about 7:20 AM and I grunted him in. He was ready to fight. Couldn’t find him in the marsh grass so my wife drove 45 minutes to bring trusty Fido, and he found the deer in roughly 10 seconds.

176 lb at the processor.

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