Live from the Stand 2018

Been an incredible doe movement morning. I have seen 21 so far and there was a time when I had 16 in view at 1 time. Mid-way up the mountain on our deer lease where I missed a fantastic buck on Wednesday. Only “antler” I have seen is a single spike...
Sat with wife this morning and movement was very, very good, a few does, a couple of unidentified deer, a yearling 6 and a 2 1/2 which Anne passed on. There was another buck but we didn't get a good look at his antlers before the doe he was trailing from pretty far back got twenty-feet behind and downwind of us. The trailing buck was "turned inside out" with his fur so the unidentified one with him must have been a buck as well. The yearling walked by within 15 feet; he saw us sitting on the ground and was nervous but walked by us anyhow and then relaxed again and took seemingly forever to get out of sight. Overall it was a nice hunt just no shooters sighted.

Talked to a hunter who hunts across the street,(Chummer had heard a shot Sunday and I figured it might have been this hunter). I said to him I noticed you got a deer last week, any size?Oh yeah he says I had a great week, shot one on Sunday and another on Tuesday;then he showed me the pics-one was a giant 10 and the other a giant eight with a drop tine--two very beautiful animals. He asked how I did, I responded with I only shoot one and that's it. I was happy for him that he got one but not at all happy that he took a second great buck edit-which is illegal as hell. Surprisingly I do not think I had live pictures of either of his two bucks; we'll see for sure in December when I do the next card pull.
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Got my hunting partner back. Wanted to sit here last night but Collin want to go. Had a nice 8pt that we haven't seen before show up 20 minutes before dark. We get more buck pictures back here than anywhere else on the farm. Everything is pointing to a bust tonight. Warm, humid, big moon. Only thing we have going in the right wind. Wish us luck

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Hunted with my daughter this morning. It was cold and drizzling but we were in a blind so no big deal. We didn't see anything but she had fun and asked to go again this season so I think I'm getting a life-long hunting buddy.

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91476ED8-BFA0-4665-883B-08959A5EFEAF.jpeg My son flew home from school for the hunt (Thanksgiving). He’s had bad timing all week with big deer coming by his stand when he wasn’t there. Still, he’s seen 20-30 every evening and passed a couple of smaller bucks. Tonight was his last opportunity. I urged him to get into the stand all day because they’re still cruising. This 31/2 year old came by this afternoon and the 270 win did it’s magic. It was a special for me because the last time I got him to the property, he’d only see a deer every couple days. When I went up to get it with the tractor, a much larger buck was digging for Rutabaga tubers..... My son couldn’t have been happier, and his papa was proud:)
Haven't shot any deer during rifle, but caught a trespasser. My brother texted me the night before and there's someone else back here, walking towards your stand. This is after I listened to a fence sitter grunt, wail like a dead cow, and attempt to rattle for 2 hours straight.

I couldn't see him but knew he was close, so I took two shots with .308 into the ground to make sure he knew I was there.
Next morning, I hear a shot, so close I thought it was my brother nearby. Texted him, he said he just woke up and isn't hunting.

The short version is: I walked a few miles, and since we are all wearing orange, I found him leaning up against the fence.

Didn't get to hunt tonight, but it was the same story I heard from my brother, it was like WWIII on both sides, which means they had to have been on our property. Hard hunting when there is no cover (hay and cows) and any deer has to run a gauntlet to get onto our property. We have an interior property with houses bordering the entire perimeter, so it's very easy to trespass.

Overall I'm still glad to have a place to hunt, since a lot of people don't, but it sure is frustrating.
Haven't shot any deer during rifle, but caught a trespasser. My brother texted me the night before and there's someone else back here, walking towards your stand. This is after I listened to a fence sitter grunt, wail like a dead cow, and attempt to rattle for 2 hours straight.

I couldn't see him but knew he was close, so I took two shots with .308 into the ground to make sure he knew I was there.
Next morning, I hear a shot, so close I thought it was my brother nearby. Texted him, he said he just woke up and isn't hunting.

The short version is: I walked a few miles, and since we are all wearing orange, I found him leaning up against the fence.

Didn't get to hunt tonight, but it was the same story I heard from my brother, it was like WWIII on both sides, which means they had to have been on our property. Hard hunting when there is no cover (hay and cows) and any deer has to run a gauntlet to get onto our property. We have an interior property with houses bordering the entire perimeter, so it's very easy to trespass.

Overall I'm still glad to have a place to hunt, since a lot of people don't, but it sure is frustrating.
Frustrating for sure...hang in there!
Haven't shot any deer during rifle, but caught a trespasser. My brother texted me the night before and there's someone else back here, walking towards your stand. This is after I listened to a fence sitter grunt, wail like a dead cow, and attempt to rattle for 2 hours straight.

I couldn't see him but knew he was close, so I took two shots with .308 into the ground to make sure he knew I was there.
Next morning, I hear a shot, so close I thought it was my brother nearby. Texted him, he said he just woke up and isn't hunting.

The short version is: I walked a few miles, and since we are all wearing orange, I found him leaning up against the fence.

Didn't get to hunt tonight, but it was the same story I heard from my brother, it was like WWIII on both sides, which means they had to have been on our property. Hard hunting when there is no cover (hay and cows) and any deer has to run a gauntlet to get onto our property. We have an interior property with houses bordering the entire perimeter, so it's very easy to trespass.

Overall I'm still glad to have a place to hunt, since a lot of people don't, but it sure is frustrating.
I know this may sound weird but you should be flattered. Copying someone is THE biggest form of flattery. I know they are lowlifes but obviously whatever you are doing is getting people's attention. Had the same problem for years. It can go two ways. Better or Worse. Just depends on your persistence. Catch one, just one person and prosecute to the fullest extent. Make a huge deal out of it. Tell as many people as you can. Copy links to social media if any are available, spread the word the best you can and believe me the word will get out quick. Hang in there.

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Well we are at the property for the weekend hunt.

Get here Friday night unpack and head right to the stand. Closest neighbors start Shooting their guns. Must of got tons of ammo on sale as they shot for almost 2 hrs straight. Then another neighbors dog got loose and ran barking all through the woods around my stand. A total bust evening.

Yesterday’s hunt started good except for the downpour. We had to wait it out so got to our stands late. Drizzled for a couple of hours then quit. Only deer I saw were running when what I believe were Road Hunting Poachers drove by us and on to the closest neighbors property. Only stayed long enough to get to the end of the road and turn around then they came back out.

Yesterday’s Hunt Stand.



Today I’m trying another spot where the plots are starting to look good. I think it is the Sunshine that is making the difference. Was full moon and cold last night so we will see what happens. The ground blind that was here got destroyed in the hurricane so I’m hunting from a brush blind instead.


Full moon update...Strong S/SW wind and I am hunting the our home place (Whitetail Hollow). This is a terrible wind for our place since access is from the south and the center of the property is a level wide ridge running N/S falling into a creek bottom on the east side and a huge maze of deep hollows mostly along our west side. You would think the creek bottom would be an easy walk but it cuts in and out of our property so it’s a maze of finger ridges and steep flint rock creek banks. The terrain can be traverced on the east side with effort and a lot of noise from leaves and loose flint rolling out from under you but other than hunting our back yard from the dining room window (highly successful on the right day). My only option was to make the trek down the east fence in the high winds we are having today to help cover my noise. I walked the entire length of the property and popped up out of the creek bottom onto the level middle ground but as Far East as I can be. The moon is full so no light was needed but in hindsight should have been used.

On this morning I arrived on stand at 6:05 AM and had not heard any deer blow or run so I was happy about that. Once in my stand I was amazed at how well I could see in the moonlight. I was here well before shooting time and with a forecast that calls for high winds from S/SW and 50’s when I got here to switching to W and ultimately NW by noon which means I can play musical stands back towards our house without spooking deer. At 6:10 I heard a shot and a follow up shot well to my west. At 6:15 a doe walked under me and I could make out all details in the moonlight. At 6:18 I heard grunting coming my way...a very nice young 11 point was trailing the doe and walked directly under me in the moonlight in these deep woods. I should have tried to take a picture because I am sure it would have turned out... a full moon during rifle season is not a good thing and many deer that would have lived will die because of it...

Since I started writing this the wind has switched to the West and I have had a flock of turkeys and a young 4 point buck come by...
Live from the stand 2018......wife edition.

Nothing will drive a person to excel more than some friendly competition. Last year my wife's office had a big buck contest. Considering she was the only one to put a buck on the ground she won. Being the competitor she is, my wife's co-worker shot a buck Friday. So naturally we are out trying to best his buck so she can retain her trophy. It rained for a good bit of the afternoon but has since moved on. I'm hoping this front will push on in getting these bucks up a little earlier. It's humid and still warm but the wind has died down from the south hoping that means we're fixing to get the shift from the Northwest. She's shooting her 6.5 creedmor I got her last Christmas. She's deadly with that thing out to 300 yards. Wish us luck

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Okie, it seems our "hunters" went to the same school, the one that didn't teach them how to tell time so they don't really know that they are shooting illegally. It was so dark when I heard the first shot that I would not have been able to see a deer ten feet in front of me in an open field. I shall report it to the warden and though he can't do anything about this incident history often repeats itself and that fool lawbreaker will likely do it again next Thanksgiving weekend.

Good luck to your wife in the competition Pine sap.
Well. It didn't work out like I would of hoped. That front started pushing through and skies were clearing. Had 5 doe step out. Then some teenage jackass decided to take his Ford F250 too fast around a sharp curve and ran off the road about 200 yards from us. He preceded to then "mash on it" for 15 minutes trying to get unstuck. Poor kid didn't even know how to lock in his hubs. He and his girlfriend ended up running everything in creation off the field when they started fighting. Me and my wife climbed out and went to investigate. Typical privileged youth with an attitude. Asked if everyone was alright. He got belligerent with me (probably because he had been drinking). Told him he looked like he had it under control. Called the sheriff for them to pull him out since he didn't have cell service. I'll call my friend later who's a deputy and ask how it went

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I'm a fan of our 13" rule because I feel like it has changed the age structure of our bucks for the better, but our wardens won't cut any slack. I had a picture of a 5.5 year old two years ago that had a normal four points on his left and a crazy Y shaped antler on the right. For East Texas he had a massive body. Showed that pic to the local warden and he said it was a no-go.

We had a good Managed Land Deer Program (MLDP) for years and I was enrolled on my property, although the only good it was to me was that the 13" rule did not apply. Certain criteria had to be applied to be enrolled, and it was sound management practices, but I opted out because I was doing all that anyway. Supplemental feeding, timber stand improvement, mineral stations, etc. were included. They replaced that program with another that basically cut out the small landowners unless you formed a co-op, and that's about as possible here as the Cowboys winning the Super Bowl for the next ten years. :D

So.....we're stuck with the fact that a mature buck with a marginal spread will die of old age or from someone who has a "special" tape measure.
The county I hunt in has a spread rule which helps but the spread rule also hurts. I find that all the young and dumb future superstars are the first deer to get shot because they have the genetics to get to the spread qualifications. It seems that we don't have hardly any bucks with good spreads anymore. It seems that genetic has been shot out of the herd.
5A89567F-CF5B-4A9E-90E3-353A84A292D3.jpeg Spread got me again this morning. I’ve seen five bucks this morning and the oldest looked to be 4.5 at most but he was iffy on spread. I would have liked to have taken him but didn’t want to push my chances. Two others were legal, then had two dinks that just left the plot. Been a great morning though !
Live from the blind!!!!

Got Collin off the bus and hurried to change clothes. Sitting over a logging deck where we had some timber cut a few years back. These bucks like to come up out of the bottom in front of us and stage before going out into my field behind the house. Hoping for horns tonight for my son.

Young man who's dad hunts with us just texted me told me he shot a doe. I'll help him load it up shortly.

Post hunt update. I talked to my buddy who's a sheriff deputy about the kid who run his truck off the road. Come to find out he was driving on a suspended license. Driving while intoxicated and had a small amount of crystal meth on him. His girlfriend had warrants for her arrest for failure to appear and the guy who was there trying to help him get unstuck had a suspended license too. Needless to say it didn't work out good for them. Goes to show you what a little manners could do for you.

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