Live from the Stand 2018

So this is kind of a live from the stand neighbor just texted me and said a big buck chased a doe across his cow pasture and into my property. If I didn't have a guy coming out this afternoon to work on the house I could head out there. I hope they're still chasing this good on Fri & Sat when I can hunt again.

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03CEA4AD-B906-4DB1-87BC-8A5C7ECE230C.jpeg Congrats Native, that’s a very nice buck ! Sharing the hunt with your son was a bonus.

I’m hunting on my 85 acres here at home this morning. Twenty-nine degrees and the first sunshine in days. This is cold fer us southern boys !
No sooner than I laid the phone down ole Wiley Coyote came sneaking through. He won’t be dining on any more fawns !

I guess I should have mentioned that I’ve seen two different does with a fawn each. A small buck just came through and ate a few acorns within thirty or forty yards of the dead yote. Never phased him. I know he had to have smelled where the coyote walked through.
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Native we need to start a GoFundMe site to cover your taxidermy bills!

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As Larry the Cable guy would say, “That right there is funny, I don’t care who you are.” Yes, please start the page or I may never be able to retire.
image.jpeg Well, I had this buck for ten minutes but wasn't sure if he was legal. We have a 13" inside rule in E Texas and he looked too iffy for me. He has the body, but not the headgear of a 4.5 year old. The picture (through my bino) doesn't do him justice.
Post live from the stand Jacob edition!!!

I'm running a day late. My youngest son is 100% my child. He's intense, driven, stubborn and won't back down from anything. Naturally he's been wanting to hunting but it just hasn't worked out. I finally made him a deal that if he was good at school and later at his mamaw's house he could go with Collin and me. I had to run get a haircut later then I wanted to look presentable for a job interview I had today. We got in the blind really late. We were in by 4:30pm. By 4:45pm Jacob couldn't contain himself. Every little thing looked like a deer. At 4:55pm 3 doe stepped out and fed for a while. Collin wanting to shoot a buck decided to pass drawing criticism from his little brother. At one point my 3 soon to be 4 year old told Collin that if he didn't want to shoot the deer to give him the gun and get out of the way. Collin told him that he was too young to shoot a gun. Naturally being me wrapped up in a little package responded with the ever "I'm not to little to kick your booty" (we don't say butt in our house). That had me rolling but the dad in me kicked in and I settled the situation. Right at last light 3 bucks came out. One being a really nice 120-130 inch 10pt. Collin couldn't see the deer very well. Not wanting to wound the deer he opted to pass. I didn't want to push him. He's heard me preach long enough about ethical shots and not pushing your limits more than your comfort zone. It ended with a laugh when we got out of the blind and the 3 does wouldn't leave the plot. Jacob had his light shined right on them. He started walking towards them. I asked what he was doing and he told me he was going to go "punch them in the nose". He got to about 50 yards before they blew at him. Never hearing a deer blow before scared him causing him to tuck tail and run leaving me and Collin rolling. There's not an amount of money I would trade for those memories. Those are the kind that old men laugh at when rocking in their chair on the front porch for no reason at all when reflecting on their life. I am beyond blessed.

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View attachment 13981 Well, I had this buck for ten minutes but wasn't sure if he was legal. We have a 13" inside rule in E Texas and he looked too iffy for me. He has the body, but not the headgear of a 4.5 year old. The picture (through my bino) doesn't do him justice.
he looks like a 4-1/2 year old to me but I also don't live and hunt in your neck of the woods. My rules for my hunting club are we aim to shoot mature bucks 4-1/2 years or older. Our county has a 15 inch spread rule but our game warden said if a mature deer was shot that didn't meet that criteria that they wouldn't say anything because sometimes his genetics just are not going to let his rack get that big. We had a 10 pointer that was killed 4 years ago that scored 140" and was only 12" wide and we had another 10 that was shot this year that I let walk last year as a 3-1/2 year old get shot and he scored 141-1/2". I also have a 3-1/2 year old 3 pointer that is going to go if I can lay my eyes on him regardless of the rules. But I have also seen a few through the years that would never meet that spread that were older.
Got a doe last night. No live updates because I was cold. :)
Good going Cutman scoring in this cold snap. I did some tractor work yesterday during the "heat" of the day. The open tractors are tough but with a snowmobile suit and snowmobile gloves on it was pretty cozy; I wouldn't have wanted to take the gloves off though even to dress a deer.
he looks like a 4-1/2 year old to me but I also don't live and hunt in your neck of the woods. My rules for my hunting club are we aim to shoot mature bucks 4-1/2 years or older. Our county has a 15 inch spread rule but our game warden said if a mature deer was shot that didn't meet that criteria that they wouldn't say anything because sometimes his genetics just are not going to let his rack get that big. We had a 10 pointer that was killed 4 years ago that scored 140" and was only 12" wide and we had another 10 that was shot this year that I let walk last year as a 3-1/2 year old get shot and he scored 141-1/2". I also have a 3-1/2 year old 3 pointer that is going to go if I can lay my eyes on him regardless of the rules. But I have also seen a few through the years that would never meet that spread that were older.

I'm a fan of our 13" rule because I feel like it has changed the age structure of our bucks for the better, but our wardens won't cut any slack. I had a picture of a 5.5 year old two years ago that had a normal four points on his left and a crazy Y shaped antler on the right. For East Texas he had a massive body. Showed that pic to the local warden and he said it was a no-go.

We had a good Managed Land Deer Program (MLDP) for years and I was enrolled on my property, although the only good it was to me was that the 13" rule did not apply. Certain criteria had to be applied to be enrolled, and it was sound management practices, but I opted out because I was doing all that anyway. Supplemental feeding, timber stand improvement, mineral stations, etc. were included. They replaced that program with another that basically cut out the small landowners unless you formed a co-op, and that's about as possible here as the Cowboys winning the Super Bowl for the next ten years. :D

So.....we're stuck with the fact that a mature buck with a marginal spread will die of old age or from someone who has a "special" tape measure.
Inside spread rule is not a very good measure. My buck this year had a 14” inside spread and scores mid 150’s...

I know some places you have to have 16” inside to be legal...
Live from the yard 2018:

Went into town to grab some lightbulbs and other stuff. Came back and saw a buck looking at me across my pasture as I drove down the road. Pulled up to my man shed and grabbed a pair of binoculars. Ended up being 5 bucks all together. One really nice one and one that could go either way. All 5 are open for Collin to shoot. Sorry for the quality had to take a picture through my binoculars. They were 500 yards or so away

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Beautiful morning here in Northern MI. Second day of rifle season. Just 3 does yesterday.. slow start for the camp. Speaking of deer, I should get off of my phone and look for them. IMG_7326.JPG