2019 Live from the Stand

BB7EB327-61DC-4B35-AB39-95B3446BCC0E.jpeg C746AB6C-C2F8-40CD-ADFB-476240E01C4A.jpeg 62DDCFDD-43C3-4FF3-83AB-DEB860F0FA42.jpeg Lots of activity on this thread tonight. Congrats to Eli !

Good luck Emma, it’s just a matter of time !

I finally got a chance tonight on a new buck that we’ve had on camera since the last week in October. I think this buck is only 3.5, but y’all are welcome to opine. He came in just ten minutes before dark, hence the not-so-good pics. I couldn’t pass him up on 80 acres knowing he probably wouldn’t be a “home” buck.
Eli put the hammer to a 130 lb dressed basic 8 with a couple extra points around the bases to make it a 10...we will take better pics in the morning!

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Congrats Okie and Eli!

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View attachment 17594 View attachment 17595 View attachment 17596 Lots of activity on this thread tonight. Congrats to Eli !

Good luck Emma, it’s just a matter of time !

I finally got a chance tonight on a new buck that we’ve had on camera since the last week in October. I think this buck is only 3.5, but y’all are welcome to opine. He came in just ten minutes before dark, hence the not-so-good pics. I couldn’t pass him up on 80 acres knowing he probably wouldn’t be a “home” buck.
Congratulations on a really nice “Signature” Texas buck! When I think of Texas that is exactly the type of deer I picture! Great job!
Doe, doe fawn and called in two spikes so far. The doe and fawn were in bow range for an hour and I couldn’t make it happen. I need a few leaves!

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Sat over 10 acres of rye/peas/radish this evening and had a fun sit. Got in the stand late because I spent the day on another property planting food plots, but I figured the deer would move late anyway. Sure enough I soon saw a doe...then another...then another. Eventually they were spooked by something I couldn’t see, and a couple minutes later a bobcat walked right by me. They are so cool.

Deer popped out of the woods right at last light. I believe there were 13 total in my fields, but it was too dark. I’ll get one another
View attachment 17594 View attachment 17595 View attachment 17596 Lots of activity on this thread tonight. Congrats to Eli !

Good luck Emma, it’s just a matter of time !

I finally got a chance tonight on a new buck that we’ve had on camera since the last week in October. I think this buck is only 3.5, but y’all are welcome to opine. He came in just ten minutes before dark, hence the not-so-good pics. I couldn’t pass him up on 80 acres knowing he probably wouldn’t be a “home” buck.
Very nice deer dry creek. Congratulations on hanging in there and getting the good hunt. I couldn't even venture a guess on a Texas deer. They are so different than ours. Hoping you will measure the antlers. Enjoyed following your posts.
Eli, you are one lucky dude and a great shot. That is a great deer. It took me many, many years to take a deer that great. You have some big shoes to fill but you are on the right path for sure.

Emma, we are all rooting for you. Your deer can and will happen at any moment.
Finally got out for the first time tonight. It had been 3 weeks since I last checked cameras and the buck activity had exploded. went from having two 2 year olds and one 3 year old, to having two deer 4+ using frequently and more strangers showing up at random times. Took a young boy hunting, trying to get him on his first buck. We were covered up with deer from 2:30 on, nine does and two different 4 points. Finally at 5, a nice 2 year old 8 point came in that he wanted to shoot, but buck fever claimed another victim. Clean miss, but a great sit none the less.
This spike is the only deer I could have arrowed so far. I had a doe and doe fawn inside 20 for over half an hour but they knew something was up. No way to get draw. 8” poplar trees with no leaves aren’t the best hiding places.

Had a nice young 8 point come in downwind this afternoon Probably a two year old. Had several does between 30 and 60 yards. I watched 6 or so longbeards in my plot, is it April yet?


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290FD20D-9DEC-4723-8121-00266999C5A2.jpeg Back in the battle wagon again tonight..... warm today... was in the low 50’s. In fact I have a honey bee buzzing inside the blind at the moment. Supposed to be some weather moving in so we will see.