"Whitetail Hollow" - 90 Acres NE Oklahoma.

Good luck...Hopefully you'll get enough for a meal or two. I haven't seen a dove on my place, kind of odd.

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I'm jealous! The boys asked if we could skip the first couple of hrs school this morning for a dove hunt (had to say no). And we won't be home for a couple more hours tonight. Going to have to wait for morning. :(

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3 more did a pass by and the last bird didn't make it! 2 for the pot with 3 shots from a gun I never fired before today and the only 3 shots I have fired were at these doves :)


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When I arrived back home last night I noticed the dust seemed to not be quite so bad behind the truck so I checked farm logs...seems a chink in the armor appeared briefly yesterday afternoon...back to tree watering :(


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Well, here we are...time for me to plant plots if I am going to do it because brushhogging for my fall folks is gonna take all my spare time. Tractor is going to be tied up on 1 property about 2 weeks.

I have had our plots in clover for a couple of years and the grasses have been trying to overcome and have been starting to win since we have been so dry and the clover is going dormant. I sprayed clethodim twice this summer and spot sprayed Gly once. I decided to wipe the slate clean and start over...

My first issue is the ground is so hard in the plots and really rocky. I had never disked these plots because my disk won't cut through. These plots were seeded with clover as soon as they were dozed out of the timber. I had thought about a 2 bottom plow but when I looked at one at our local place that sells farm implements he suggested a spring toothed cultivator and then lakngulf pm'd me and mentioned I should try a chisel plow which is a spring tooth cultivator. I got up Saturday morning and headed to town to purchase a 9 tooth massy ferguson cultivator in very good used condition.


This is our north plot after the chisel plow!



I fertilized, limed, seeded with WR and daikon radish seed and packed. I am going to go back before a rain and overseed with red and white clover before a rain if we ever get one...

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I had my reservations on the chisel plow but now all I am wondering why I never had one in the past!

Chisel Plow FTW!!!

This is our south plot I started on after getting the north plot finished and finished today...


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Had a little rock picking to do...




Completed plot...other than the clover overseed before a rain which our long range isn't giving much chance of... I left a clover strip on the south side...




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enjoyed reading all through your thread! I like Laid Back 9 - hes a cool looking buck. I also liked your Chisel Plow experience and it makes me want to look into it.
Just got caught up on your thread;Sorry to see you so dry. We had dead dry until two weeks ago. Now we are only in drought watch with two recent rains having hit us. The importance of good soil really comes to light after seeing this drought we experienced. Some farmers have 10 ft. high corn while fields nearby them or even adjoining them have two ft. high corn that looks more like a bush or something.
Many of the farmers here use chisel plows. They sure get a field prepped in a hurry. The chisel plow does seem to lift up quite a few stones though in the more stony fields. Still a good used chisel plow is on my list of additional equipment to add to the arsenal when the opportunity shows itself. Good luck with yours;It looks to be doing a nice job.

Hope rain comes your way again soon and often enough to grow good plots.
Nice job Okie. Chisel did the trick. Like you I'm not sure how to plant this year. Rain just disappeared end of July. Guess I'll throw it in and hope for best this weekend. Have to get done since need to take tractor to NC to work fields at house my daughter just bought.
I can't believe that little pond still has water in it! Is it spring feed? Our little holes dry up pretty quick if we get a dry spell like you've been in.

The plots look great. Never used a chisel plow before (probably won't since I do all TnM) but it looks like it did a nice job of tearing up the soil. I honestly miss dirt. The smell, feel, look of it... TnM has pluses, but I LIKED working the soil.
Looks great, okieK. Glad the spring tooth cultivator did the trick for you. Keep an eye on those bolts, I lost a couple early on. My plots are sitting now with furrows created by chisel plow. When rain is forecast I will broadcast fertilizer and seed and cover lightly.
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Chisel plows are great in compacted soil. I used to have one but my soil is Sandy and I really don't need it. I just Disc then go over it with a three point tiller. Glad to see it's working for you.

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enjoyed reading all through your thread! I like Laid Back 9 - hes a cool looking buck. I also liked your Chisel Plow experience and it makes me want to look into it.

Thanks - I enjoy doing the land tour thread. Laid back 9 has shed his velvet off now and I am getting ready to post some velvet-less pics of him.

Chisel plow is awesome in rocky ground!
Just got caught up on your thread;Sorry to see you so dry. We had dead dry until two weeks ago. Now we are only in drought watch with two recent rains having hit us. The importance of good soil really comes to light after seeing this drought we experienced. Some farmers have 10 ft. high corn while fields nearby them or even adjoining them have two ft. high corn that looks more like a bush or something.
Many of the farmers here use chisel plows. They sure get a field prepped in a hurry. The chisel plow does seem to lift up quite a few stones though in the more stony fields. Still a good used chisel plow is on my list of additional equipment to add to the arsenal when the opportunity shows itself. Good luck with yours;It looks to be doing a nice job.

Hope rain comes your way again soon and often enough to grow good plots.

I can't believe I didn't get one till now. I am thinking of all the new spots I can have plots now!

Rain chances are extremely low for the 10 day and even when we had great chances they just kept missing us. After putting in plots my tractor and myself looked like dirt clods from all the dust in the air...glad you got some rain to alleviate yours...
Nice job Okie. Chisel did the trick. Like you I'm not sure how to plant this year. Rain just disappeared end of July. Guess I'll throw it in and hope for best this weekend. Have to get done since need to take tractor to NC to work fields at house my daughter just bought.
Yep, sometimes you have to put plots in when you can instead of when you have 100% chance of rain later that day. The part that stresses me is the fertilizing and hoping some nitrogen is left when it finally does rain...