"Whitetail Hollow" - 90 Acres NE Oklahoma.

I can't believe that little pond still has water in it! Is it spring feed? Our little holes dry up pretty quick if we get a dry spell like you've been in.

The plots look great. Never used a chisel plow before (probably won't since I do all TnM) but it looks like it did a nice job of tearing up the soil. I honestly miss dirt. The smell, feel, look of it... TnM has pluses, but I LIKED working the soil.

I really can't describe the little ponds - I figured they would go dry a couple times each summer but both of them hold good amounts of water year round. They rarely even look low...not spring or gravity fed. I guess shade on them keeps some water in them because it certainly isn't abundant rainfall!

You should get into that dirt a little bit ;)
Looks great, okieK. Glad the spring tooth cultivator did the trick for you. Keep an eye on those bolts, I lost a couple early on. My plots are sitting now with furrows created by chisel plow. When rain is forecast I will broadcast fertilizer and seed and cover lightly.

Yep the pm I got from me put me over the edge on the purchase and certainly glad I pulled the trigger on it. I called about it Friday and they said they still had it. I headed up to get it Saturday morning and the guy told me another guy called about it that morning and was on his way from Tulsa to get it but he told him first one with cash gets it. He said the other guy wanted it for plots too...
Chisel plows are great in compacted soil. I used to have one but my soil is Sandy and I really don't need it. I just Disc then go over it with a three point tiller. Glad to see it's working for you.

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I have seen some of that western Oklahoma dirt up close while deer hunting out that way a couple of years. I saw a rattlesnake one time and couldn't find a rock anywhere to kill it with. Absolutely no rock and any rain at all on that red dirt on a dirt road is a dangerous slick proposition!
I have seen some of that western Oklahoma dirt up close while deer hunting out that way a couple of years. I saw a rattlesnake one time and couldn't find a rock anywhere to kill it with. Absolutely no rock and any rain at all on that red dirt on a dirt road is a dangerous slick proposition!

Yeah, you'll very seldom ever plow up a rock. We just don't have them in the soil here.

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Those rocks look familiar...we set a railroad tie as a fence post to shore up the fence before hunting season and even with the PTO auger it was rough getting down two feet. Not sure how all the trees survive. I'm assuming this is why they don't get as big or as tall as the ones down by the gulf coast...down there I could dig a 3' fence post hole with little to no effort and it was all sandy loam.
Those rocks look familiar...we set a railroad tie as a fence post to shore up the fence before hunting season and even with the PTO auger it was rough getting down two feet. Not sure how all the trees survive. I'm assuming this is why they don't get as big or as tall as the ones down by the gulf coast...down there I could dig a 3' fence post hole with little to no effort and it was all sandy loam.

I can do that at our place in Woodall in certain areas...up on our 80 it ain't happening...lol
We took our camper and set it up on the deer lease today right on the county line between Cherokee and Sequoyah counties. The county line actually splits our lease. It is always a good time when we get our camper down there :)


After we got it setup I took the 4 wheeler up on the mountain to check some cams I put out over a month ago. I jumped a buck who decided to let me snap a couple pics...


I looked at 1 of the boat winches I have mounted that I use to pull the feeders up to get them out of reach of bears. It has been on this tree so long it is grown into it...



The barrel is lowered in this photo for me to fill and check the moultrie motor. It has been very reliable over the years. I had a 50 lb Bag of corn with me so I put that in it and a new battery to check for bear usage my next visit.

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Looks like a good crop of bucks at the salt lick and a few other critters as well! Should be a good season. Looks like I will get to hunt OK again this year after Thanksgiving, can't wait thinking of those good bucks y'all have:D
Looks like a good crop of bucks at the salt lick and a few other critters as well! Should be a good season. Looks like I will get to hunt OK again this year after Thanksgiving, can't wait thinking of those good bucks y'all have:D

I am pretty excited about our upcoming season...just need good weather and wind directions...

Good luck on your upcoming hunt here in our great state!
Great update. Glad the new plow worked so great for you. Seed bed looks fantastic. I sure hope you get some rain this week. They are giving central OK an 80% chance Friday night.

You always have a nice crops of bucks. Looks like another exciting season
Great update. Glad the new plow worked so great for you. Seed bed looks fantastic. I sure hope you get some rain this week. They are giving central OK an 80% chance Friday night.

You always have a nice crops of bucks. Looks like another exciting season
Thanks Todd...It is so dry here it is frustrating but maybe we will eek a rain out later this week. I hate really hot/dry falls :(

I am excited about the prospects we have for this fall but I am really excited about taking the grand son hunting again this year!
Well, here we are...time for me to plant plots if I am going to do it because brushhogging for my fall folks is gonna take all my spare time. Tractor is going to be tied up on 1 property about 2 weeks.

I have had our plots in clover for a couple of years and the grasses have been trying to overcome and have been starting to win since we have been so dry and the clover is going dormant. I sprayed clethodim twice this summer and spot sprayed Gly once. I decided to wipe the slate clean and start over...

My first issue is the ground is so hard in the plots and really rocky. I had never disked these plots because my disk won't cut through. These plots were seeded with clover as soon as they were dozed out of the timber. I had thought about a 2 bottom plow but when I looked at one at our local place that sells farm implements he suggested a spring toothed cultivator and then lakngulf pm'd me and mentioned I should try a chisel plow which is a spring tooth cultivator. I got up Saturday morning and headed to town to purchase a 9 tooth massy ferguson cultivator in very good used condition.


This is our north plot after the chisel plow!



I fertilized, limed, seeded with WR and daikon radish seed and packed. I am going to go back before a rain and overseed with red and white clover before a rain if we ever get one...

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Looks Great Kubota,
I am about 20 miles north of you and have similar very rocky ground. I have been plotting about 4 years now and I have been trying to do less and less in disturbing the ground. I have made a few tries at throw and mow, but just havent been happy with the results. A lot of the areas I am planting are filled with Sericea lespedeza and I just cant seem to beat them. I have primarily been planting LC mix with a few chages each year. I am trying hard to "Grow some dirt" on top of all our rocks.
My usual plan now is to spray gly and start with a dead field. Spread Fertilizer and large seed. Lightly disc. Cultipack. Spread small seed. Cultipack, Drag.
I also have the same plow that you bought and have been giving some thought to using it. Were you happy with it? Was it easy to control the depth? I am planning on planting this weekend and think i will give it a try.
Keep up the great work on your place and this thread. I really love reading it and learn a lot from what you do that helps me at our place.
Thank you.
Looks Great Kubota,
I am about 20 miles north of you and have similar very rocky ground. I have been plotting about 4 years now and I have been trying to do less and less in disturbing the ground. I have made a few tries at throw and mow, but just havent been happy with the results. A lot of the areas I am planting are filled with Sericea lespedeza and I just cant seem to beat them. I have primarily been planting LC mix with a few chages each year. I am trying hard to "Grow some dirt" on top of all our rocks.
My usual plan now is to spray gly and start with a dead field. Spread Fertilizer and large seed. Lightly disc. Cultipack. Spread small seed. Cultipack, Drag.
I also have the same plow that you bought and have been giving some thought to using it. Were you happy with it? Was it easy to control the depth? I am planning on planting this weekend and think i will give it a try.
Keep up the great work on your place and this thread. I really love reading it and learn a lot from what you do that helps me at our place.
Thank you.
I didn't do anything for depth control. I just left it in float mode on the 3 point and never even adjusted the top llink to anything other than just flat and level. I suppose the rocks adjusted the depth for me... I am extremely happy with the plow and now that I know I can conquer the soil up there I have the dozer man scheduled to come in to expand this winter. Think I am going to make a long skinny destination plot and increase the size of the other 2...Heck, I may even try my hand at soybeans this year!

Thanks for reading and anything I can do to help let me know!