The Brushpile

Always great to read up and see photos from the Brushpile. Thanks Brad.

Do the whitetail deer like those big orange Korean pears?
This tree went dormant during the drought, and following rain it flowered like it should in the Spring.

These are the burs. Are the undeveloped nuts caused from drought or lack of pollination?
Way to go, Elkie!
Is that beaver crap?
Otter! Otters are a HUGE problem here, they clean out the small rivers and wipe out ponds. Up North otters are rare, but here they were introduced by the MDC and took off like Johnson Grass on steroids. Fighting them is futile, and my pond might as we be a frog pond now.
It's cool seeing your pics. I have planted a lot of what you have on your place, just yrs behind. Its like looking into the future (I hope). Keep up the good work!

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Otter pelts ought to be worth something. Trap those big water rats, sell their hide and buy more trees with the proceeds!!!
I'll call the MDC on Monday. I hate to mess with large Conibear traps without a helper. One wrong move would ruin my shoot'n arm!
It's cool seeing your pics. I have planted a lot of what you have on your place, just yrs behind. Its like looking into the future (I hope). Keep up the good work!

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With normal rain I'd be way in the future, as it is you might catch up! Notice that the drop times coincide with prime bow season!
I'm terrified of otters showing up in my pond. I agree with the others: trap them!
A few years ago I trapped seven otters and the problem stopped, but not before otters ate ever single catfish out of the pond. I still have bass, but Otters are working on them, and the pond is down three feet.
With normal rain I'd be way in the future, as it is you might catch up! Notice that the drop times coincide with prime bow season!
I noticed! Do you have anything that will drop later in the season? I'm trying to find those plants too...

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I noticed! Do you have anything that will drop later in the season? I'm trying to find those plants too...

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Not all of my Allegheny Chinkapins have dropped and Kieffer Pears have not dropped yet, nor have the big Bur Oaks. Chestnuts are dropping and my Dunstans seem to drop later than Chinese.
Not all of my Allegheny Chinkapins have dropped and Kieffer Pears have not dropped yet, nor have the big Bur Oaks. Chestnuts are dropping and my Dunstans seem to drop later than Chinese.
My Sawtooth finished dropping last week (between the various trees we had about a month of dropping), DCO's dropped about a month ago, Chinkapins dropped for about a month and are done now, Red/Pin oaks are dropping now, Burr started dropping a couple of weeks ago but the majority are just starting. My problem with the natives is that when some are dropping, all are dropping.
I'm hopeful that the non-native stuff I've been planting will start about now and go into December. Having a late season or rut food source would be awesome!
In this area there are to types of But Oak, won is golf ball sized and the other is not as big. The golf ball size Bur Oak drops in late October. My Kieffer Pears have not dropped yet, and will hang into November.
I couldn't find my otter pictures. I had the camera set up for a couple of days and it looked like 8 different catfish for one breakfast. That otter ate until the cat fish were all turned in to otter turds.

I had this problem about 3 years ago, and the otters ate every catfish in the pond, because catfish lay motionless in cold water. I hope I can get a trapper in here in time to save the bass.