The Brushpile


I'm looking to close in my open food plot. Ive ordered thicket plum , silky dog wood and alder. I would like to have a transitional area in between the woods and my plots and then thicket around the actual plot. Do you have any guidance for doing so? Im not looking to screen as much create good cover for does to hang out in

I'm looking to close in my open food plot. Ive ordered thicket plum , silky dog wood and alder. I would like to have a transitional area in between the woods and my plots and then thicket around the actual plot. Do you have any guidance for doing so? Im not looking to screen as much create good cover for does to hang out in
Before I can recommend, I need to know your location. State and zone will do.
This is a Sequin/Chinese Chinkapin, notice anything unusual for this time of year?

After one decent rain this Sequin broke dormancy and thought it was Spring.

These burs possibly have viable nuts, so I'll water this one tree. There has been no rain in two weeks and there's no rain in the forecast. As an aside, Elkie needs ground moisture to hold scent, so she can track.
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While waiting for things to heat up, I've been checking out public land, and so far I haven't seen another hunter. Prospecting for big bucks is fun. This public land is bow hunting only and closed to deer hunting from October 15th until after duck hunting season... I have found a "Mecca"!
My map recon showed a row crop and I found it. No other hunter has been back in here!

It's dry, but these soybeans are hammered!

Then I found this corn, which obviously needed rain; too late now. Never-the-less, in a bad year, there are big bucks in here, because it's archery only and the season ends on October 15th!

This is where my early season will begin and end, but I need a South wind.

I was hunting White Oaks where the North wind blew toward the lake, and not in the deer "Refuge", where I need a South wind, when 20+ Turkey Vultures decided to roost next to me. Buzzards landed and took off continuously, so I called it a night. When I stopped for gas a lady at the gas station was examining her car, which appeared to be totaled from hitting a buck moments earlier!


I'm looking to close in my open food plot. Ive ordered thicket plum , silky dog wood and alder. I would like to have a transitional area in between the woods and my plots and then thicket around the actual plot. Do you have any guidance for doing so? Im not looking to screen as much create good cover for does to hang out in
I'd use an evergreen for four season cover, and plant the spruce that grows best in your area. Escape cover is important, especially if the food plot is in the open.

You might also add White Pine to speed things along, as Spruce takes time to establish.
I have one 50% chance in the next 10 days.

Trees will die during the Winter if there's no moisture in the soil, so Fall dormancy doesn't end the destruction. Fall color around here will be yellow and brown! There were years when I skipped hunting to water trees!!!
I have one 50% chance in the next 10 days.

Trees will die during the Winter if there's no moisture in the soil, so Fall dormancy doesn't end the destruction. Fall color around here will be yellow and brown! There were years when I skipped hunting to water trees!!!
Let me guess - your 50% is next Wednesday... same day we have our 1 shot at rain in the desert here...after that it go's dry dry dry and since we haven't had but 1.5" of rain since May the trees we planted and our natives are in for a rough go of it... Hope you get some more rain out of this next system...
I just had a 100% chance drop to 80% and then 60%, 20% and back up to 40% last week. Not one drop in the rain gauge!

Yup, the 50% chance is on Wednesday, but when it gets this dry, it gets too dry to rain... I don't understand it, but the Weatherman says it's too dry to rain.

It's rained more in Springfield than it has here, and Western Missouri has had plenty of rain. However, this area of the state is dry and Stockton Lake is as dry as it has ever been!
I just had a 100% chance drop to 80% and then 60%, 20% and back up to 40% last week. Not one drop in the rain gauge!

Yup, the 50% chance is on Wednesday, but when it gets this dry, it gets too dry to rain... I don't understand it, but the Weatherman says it's too dry to rain.

It's rained more in Springfield than it has here, and Western Missouri has had plenty of rain. However, this area of the state is dry and Stockton Lake is as dry as it has ever been!

One of our local weathermen said that when it's dry to rain it means the upper air is so dry the rain evaporates before it gets to the ground.
That sounds reasonable, but I was also thinking that dry air prevents clouds from releasing rain, which is what causes the force field effect.
Thanks Fish, I remember the Texas drought a few years ago, and then the Texas flooding this year. I think the weather will normalize, but I'm not getting any younger while trees aren't adding much growth. I'm not worried about a failed food plot, I'm worried about 8 years of tree plantings. Let's hope it rains on Wednesday.
So much for the rain on Wednesday! :-(

I didn't see a deer tonight but I got snorted at. With ground as hard as a rock, deer don't leave tracks, so the snort confirmed deer are in the area.

The MDC started taking on line orders on October 1st, and yes they sell to out of state customers.
So much for the rain on Wednesday! :-(

I didn't see a deer tonight but I got snorted at. With ground as hard as a rock, deer don't leave tracks, so the snort confirmed deer are in the area.

The MDC started taking on line orders on October 1st, and yes they sell to out of state customers.

So did Wednesday come and go and I didn't realize it?

This is your town. You need to be hunting next Friday...


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Sunday brings new hope! I'm seeing a 60% chance of rain on Wednesday, which was down to a 20% chance last night.
I swear Brush...My hear goes out to you guys. We're dry right now but at least we had decent rains throughout the summer. Hoping moisture comes your way!