The Brushpile

I've watered fairly well just haven't cracked them open to check close
I recommend that you keep watering and wait until the tree goes dormant before cutting. I wish I had waited longer, because there's not enough root to support respiration, but after the tree is dormant, leaves and respiration are no longer a problem.
I recommend that you keep watering and wait until the tree goes dormant before cutting. I wish I had waited longer, because there's not enough root to support respiration, but after the tree is dormant, leaves and respiration are no longer a problem.

Thanks for the advice, would prob work better for me anyways!!
The air layering project is very cool, Brush. Thanks for sharing.
I have bark grafted a lot of crabs and not seen that sort of dominating top growth. Do you see many respond that way?
The air layering project is very cool, Brush. Thanks for sharing.
I have bark grafted a lot of crabs and not seen that sort of dominating top growth. Do you see many respond that way?
I probably depends on the crabapple and what is grafted to it. So far so good with this graft, but the apple could out grow the crabapple!
For having rained over 3 inches a week or so ago, it's very dry. I think the rain travels down into the soil and the water table is low, because that rain is gone.

This is a Chinese Chestnut.

While others are harvesting Allegheny Chinkapin (AC), mine are waiting for rain.

This one tree has been watered, but it still needs rain. The 100% chance on Sunday, slipped to 80% and now to 60%. If it doesn't rain, nuts won't form in the burs, and there's no other rain in the forecast.
In 2008 this Bur Oak was planted as a bare root seedling from the MDC, and has produced large acorns for the last 4 years!

Caterpillars are defoliating, which is of little consequence at this late point in the growing season. What hurt was plants shutting down from drought. Leaf pores are called stomata, and they close to protect the tree from losing moisture from transpiration. In most trees the stomata don't reopen, so the tree is essentially dormant, and rain that falls comes too late.

One of these years the drought will end. The Dust Bowl lasted seven years.
I've been eating them for weeks, and my wife baked a delicious desert tonight. One of these pears sells for $3 in the produce section, if you can find them.
Can the scion from the Korean Giant Pear be grafted to rootstock?

I ask because I don't know - but gosh was a large pear!!

As always, your photo tell a great story. Thanks for sharing.
If you think it's dry there you should be here...less than 1/2" of rain in 48 days on Home 10... crossing fingers for some today but the system is stuck in central Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas expending all of its moisture and weakening greatly here in Oklahoma. I honestly think we aren't going to get anything from this one and no more rain in the 10 day forecast! Absolutely disgusted!