The Brushpile

Can the scion from the Korean Giant Pear be grafted to rootstock?

I ask because I don't know - but gosh was a large pear!!

As always, your photo tell a great story. Thanks for sharing.
Yes, but you would need pear rootstock. The root stock that this pear is on has wicked 6 inch thorns!
If you think it's dry there you should be here...less than 1/2" of rain in 48 days on Home 10... crossing fingers for some today but the system is stuck in central Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas expending all of its moisture and weakening greatly here in Oklahoma. I honestly think we aren't going to get anything from this one and no more rain in the 10 day forecast! Absolutely disgusted!
The water table is so low that when it does rain, the moisture is sucked down into the ground, leaving everything dry again. Tomorrow I'll be hunting around a local lake, by walking in the lakebed. I'm not as dry as you, but the situation here is not good. Dry ground makes it very difficult for Elkie to track.

According to future cast, I have a 50% chance of light rain at about 2:00. I hope you at least get a sprinkle, because I don't see any chance for rain in the next 10 days.
The red seed pod on a Strawberry Bush resembles a strawberry, which gives Strawberry Bush it's name. Here the seed pod has opened to expose the bright red seeds, which gives Strawberry Bush it's other name, "Hearts-a-Bursting".
Man that Korean Giant is a big pear! I think I'll be planting one of those just so I can watch a deer try to eat one of those monsters!
My Kieffer Pears are almost as big, and both Kieffer and Korean Giant haven't dropped yet. I have many pear varieties, and think that Kieffer and Korean Giant are the two best pears for deer because of late drop time, heavy production, disease resistance, and low maintenance. This pear was never sprayed!
My Kieffer Pears are almost as big, and both Kieffer and Korean Giant haven't dropped yet. I have many pear varieties, and think that Kieffer and Korean Giant are the two best pears for deer because of late drop time, heavy production, disease resistance, and low maintenance. This pear was never sprayed!
Keep us posted on Mo drop time for these pears! I'm gearing up for Asian pear planting next spring! Have 1 keifer from Turkey Creek growing well.
Check out Ms Laneene pear from wildlife group. It's very similiar to a keifer but drops later
Keep us posted on Mo drop time for these pears! I'm gearing up for Asian pear planting next spring! Have 1 keifer from Turkey Creek growing well.
Check out Ms Laneene pear from wildlife group. It's very similiar to a keifer but drops later
Are Wildlife Group Pears Grafted?

I'll keep you posted on the Korean Giant and Kieffer Pear drop times. The Oriental Pears are about due to drop, while the Kieffer will hang on well into October.

Wildlife Group ships in the Fall, and is where I've bought Strawberry Bush, Sequin, and AC. The Strawberry Bush pictured above, is deer candy!
Are Wildlife Group Pears Grafted?

I'll keep you posted on the Korean Giant and Kieffer Pear drop times. The Oriental Pears are about due to drop, while the Kieffer will hang on well into October.

Wildlife Group ships in the Fall, and is where I've bought Strawberry Bush, Sequin, and AC. The Strawberry Bush pictured above, is deer candy!

The water table is so low that when it does rain, the moisture is sucked down into the ground, leaving everything dry again. Tomorrow I'll be hunting around a local lake, by walking in the lakebed. I'm not as dry as you, but the situation here is not good. Dry ground makes it very difficult for Elkie to track.

According to future cast, I have a 50% chance of light rain at about 2:00. I hope you at least get a sprinkle, because I don't see any chance for rain in the next 10 days.

Home 10 again got no rainfall and we are in dire straights for that area. It is really weird because North, South, and East of there can get rain but starting about 2 miles east of our Home 10 to about 12 miles to the west is a dome effect that rainfall doesn't seem to be able to get through.

Our 80 up at Whitetail Hollow which is North of Home 10 got lucky by catching 2 small pop up cells and we got 8/10's yesterday and our deer lease south of our Home 10 got 2/10's but poor little Home 10 sitting directly in between got none.

How did you do for rain?
Home 10 again got no rainfall and we are in dire straights for that area. It is really weird because North, South, and East of there can get rain but starting about 2 miles east of our Home 10 to about 12 miles to the west is a dome effect that rainfall doesn't seem to be able to get through.

Our 80 up at Whitetail Hollow which is North of Home 10 got lucky by catching 2 small pop up cells and we got 8/10's yesterday and our deer lease south of our Home 10 got 2/10's but poor little Home 10 sitting directly in between got none.

How did you do for rain?
I got 2/10ths toward the tail end of the system. I'm going doe calling today, so the 2/10ths should soften the leaves and allow me to make silent entries, but it's not going to do much for nut production. I found oaks that didn't fill out their acorns passed the cap, along the Strockton Lake shore. Small wildlife ponds, just inland, along the lake are totally dry!

Next chance for rain is a 50% chance in 10 days, and fat chance of that!

Are you seeing rubs and scrapes yet?
Next chance for rain is a 50% chance in 10 days, and fat chance of that!

Are you seeing rubs and scrapes yet?

I see Kubota's pessimism is rubbing off on you as well, or vice versa

I've seen a few rubs, no scrapes as of yet, but I've been a bit to preoccupied to search.
I just found a few scrapes in the dust Saturday...mostly around my wifes stands on the deer lease. I have seen one small halfhearted rub.

I found 1 scrape at our 80 but I haven't been looking much. Hard to concentrate on that stuff when it's 90's and mosquitos and horse flys are trying to carry you off...
I'll be calling does this afternoon and I'll be on public land so I don't dugger up my area. So far I'm seen no buck sign.

Kubota and Brushpile "Negativity" is desperation for rain. I'd like to send some nuts out to members, but won't have nuts without rain.
Hunted today. Seeing deer tracks here is like looking for deer tracks on cement! Walking in the woods without spooking deer is impossible!

I got my buddy on deer, but they were small, while there are big bucks in the area! Need rain to even be able to hunt!
The drought is so bad that there are places along the lake shore where oak trees can't make acorns. This is a Shumard Oak acorn.

This is what a Shumard Oak acorn should look like.