The Brushpile

Brush you get you a conibear 280 trap and a setting tool and you should have no trouble tapping them yourself. Just set the trap at the base of that slide where it's just barely completely submerged. Have it staked with two big sticks through the eyes of both springs and take another good sized stick and use the first two to hold it floating on the water above the trap. Then stake the chained piece to a very heavy stick in a deeper section of the pond. When the otter uses the slide it will dive under that stick into your trap. Otters aren't worth much anymore but if there is a fur buyer in your area I'm sure he would pay you something for the whole carcass.
Brush you get you a conibear 280 trap and a setting tool and you should have no trouble tapping them yourself. Just set the trap at the base of that slide where it's just barely completely submerged. Have it staked with two big sticks through the eyes of both springs and take another good sized stick and use the first two to hold it floating on the water above the trap. Then stake the chained piece to a very heavy stick in a deeper section of the pond. When the otter uses the slide it will dive under that stick into your trap. Otters aren't worth much anymore but if there is a fur buyer in your area I'm sure he would pay you something for the whole carcass.
I hate to set a 280 Conibear when I'm alone; that's why I hope to find a trapper. I've done lots of trapping, but Conibears are just too dangerous if there is no one around to assist if things go wrong; thanks for the help though.
I hate to set a 280 Conibear when I'm alone; that's why I hope to find a trapper. I've done lots of trapping, but Conibears are just too dangerous if there is no one around to assist if things go wrong; thanks for the help though.

Well surely someone on here or around you will be able to help. Wish i could if I was closer. Good luck!
Thanks, wish you were closer. I not afraid of steel jawed traps, but conibears are a problem when things go wrong, even with a helper.
Chinese Chestnuts are done and gone, while Dunstan Chestnuts are just now starting to open their burs. So planting both Dunstan and Chinese produces varied drop times.

DCO have all dropped but some AC bushes have opened all their burs, while other bushes haven't opened any burs yet, so some AC will be around for the rut.

Kieffer Pears have dropped a few pears, but 95% are still hanging, while Korean Giant Pears dropped about half their pears.

I like Elkie's spirit. I also like that she can get chippie when she lights in on her found prize. I like the fight in that dog.

A can do attitude for your tracking machine. :)

I like Elkie's spirit. I also like that she can get chippie when she lights in on her found prize. I like the fight in that dog.

A can do attitude for your tracking machine. :)
Thanks Wayne, I need to be more protective of her, because she's almost been kicked. Over on the UBT Forum a tracking dog was killed by a large Alligator!
I would get online and check the MO trapper Assc.It doesn't bother me to use 220s but setting beaver traps 330s while crotch deep in icy water isn't fun.Wish I was closer would like to catch an otter
I would get online and check the MO trapper Assc.It doesn't bother me to use 220s but setting beaver traps 330s while crotch deep in icy water isn't fun.Wish I was closer would like to catch an otter
I called the local MDC officer to request a trapper. The MDC has egg on their face over introducing otter to this area, and should be helpful. If the MDC can't find a trapper I'll contact the Missouri Trapper's Association.

Thanks for the info!
Brush did you get your pear trees from Century Farms and what time of year did you plant them?
For fall planting I get most of my Pears from Century Farm Orchard, but also pick up a few Kieffers from Lowes and Walmart it the Spring.
I called the local MDC officer to request a trapper. The MDC has egg on their face over introducing otter to this area, and should be helpful. If the MDC can't find a trapper I'll contact the Missouri Trapper's Association.

Thanks for the info!

How many otters can you legally trap in MO? My trapper last winter bought a license for his wife and kids.;)
I don't think there's a limit. The last time I had them trapped, we caught seven. A trapper set the traps and I checked them. The trapper told me that he'd been caught in his own trap, and getting a conibear trap off was painful and is partner had all he could do to get it off!