The Brushpile

They aren't fun for sure but with setters it can be done.I ran a beaver line for a month with 1 arm in a block sling setting 330s
Brush...I'm at home tonight and catching up on a bunch of threads including yours. I remember when you first started with Elkie that I thought what a small dog to be tracking deer. Shows my ignorance. Love seeing Elkie do her thing!
Brush...I'm at home tonight and catching up on a bunch of threads including yours. I remember when you first started with Elkie that I thought what a small dog to be tracking deer. Shows my ignorance. Love seeing Elkie do her thing!
When I lost several deer doctorbrady mentioned me getting a tracking dog. When he recommended a Wirehaired Dachshund I said, "You gotta be kidding me"! In the morning I leave for Melborne, MO in Northeast Missouri, five hours away! I hope Elkie can find that deer because I think it's dead, but the track has been buggered up by grid searching.
I shot this doe where I always aim. I was in a tree and the doe felt safe as she walked by. At the shot the deer trotted about 20 feet , turned around and walked back looking for the source of the sound, and I though maybe I'd missed??? Then she turned, walked 30 feet and stood, then over she went less that 50 feet from the stand. She bled out and died in maybe 30 seconds. I aim for the ribs and had 3-4 ribs to spare.

Had I aimed for the heart, Elkie would have had a track... maybe Elkie would have found the doe before the coyotes... maybe.

Elkie scores! This buck was center punched through both lungs by Elkie's Vet Tech, who made a perfect double lung shot, backed out and called for Elkie. In this case the hunter made Elkie happy!

My goodness you have one good tracking dog, Brush. Worth all the effort i am sure.
Congrats on the big doe!
You have got to be charging a pretty penny to drive 5 hours. And rightfully so! Be careful, youre not going to have any hunting time when word of that tracking dog gets around. :)
My goodness you have one good tracking dog, Brush. Worth all the effort i am sure.
Congrats on the big doe!
You have got to be charging a pretty penny to drive 5 hours. And rightfully so! Be careful, youre not going to have any hunting time when word of that tracking dog gets around. :)
If I had a choice between tracking and hunting, it's a close call; I really love tracking. In the morning I'll be in a tree, until I get a tracking call. Busy, busy, busy. :)
doctorbrady is off the next 8 days, and I suspect he'll have some great tracking stories from his tracking pack! That will give me time to hunt the rut, but I'll take a tracking call just like someone pulling the fire alarm. When I get a call we roll, and hunting stops.
Wish I had time to post more often, but I've been steady hunting and tracking! Elkie had her best track to date; so "Adventures of Elkie", for the story.

Lots of antlers to look at, I'm going to have to go over and get the rest of the story(s).

Started the AC's today in Root Makers. Half of them germinated in the fridge.
Thanks again for the nuts.

I frequently stress the importance of a moisture barrier/weed mat when planting trees. I have been planting since 2008, and it's time to do select cutting so that planting aren't dominated by weed trees.. Weed mats have been holding competing trees at bay. As trees grow, birds sit in them and pass seeds to the ground below, so apple, pears, oaks, chestnuts, etc., require release from junk tree competition, and weed mats have provided stand off distance so that Tordon RTU can be safely applied to cut stumps.

In January works begins to cut all competing trees and that will include trees I planted too closely. Tordon RTU will be applied to cut stumps, and can be used safely because of the stand off distance created by weedmats..
Started the AC's today in Root Makers. Half of them germinated in the fridge.
Thanks again for the nuts.

You are always welcome! This year the Chinkapins were undersized because of drought and the nuts I had were a result of stretching hose! Don't over water and Wayne might give you some pointers on growing; they are somewhat tricky to grow.
