Sorry, but not much of a story. He wasn't on camera, but I think he was last year (need to research). After a fairly boring morning hunt, I headed back out for the evening. Got in my tripod stand at 4PM and there were deer all over. Several does were standing across the field while getting in the stand and the same little 3 pt from this morning popped out 5 minutes later. I was watching the 3 pt with binoculars and when I put them down this buck was crossing between us at about 150 yards! Tried to quickly assess him as he was moving across the opening. Saw that he had at least 6 on the left, 6 on the right and several stickers plus good mass far out on the main beams. He seemed pretty young, but initially pegged him as 4.5. I like the odd shaped racks so decided to take him. I was trying out a new deer rifle; Tikka T3x .308 shooting 152 gr Hammer Hunter hand loads. He did a 75 yard death sprint and tipped over. The time was 4:15, so a whopping 15 minute hunt! All that time spent on plots, habitat, etc, etc and the hunt is over in a flash. To be honest, I have shooters remorse right now, as I wasn't ready to be done yet.