I have 3 more days with them before school starts on Thursday so I think tomorrow I am taking them to a creek down in the wildlife refuge that my family always used to celebrate the 4th of July on. We would arrive at first gray light after driving 15 miles of poorly kept dirt road in whatever would carry us, break out the grills and set up card tables and the old metal folding chairs and make the day of it in the shade along the creek...miss those days as most everyone older has died and the youngers have different ideas about being social...Plentiful fish and a swimable creek are paradise for kids!
I really like the kicker buck that's sticking his tongue out at you.
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They are gonna get a couple more days of it before school starts! Maybe as early as today after church!Awesome man. Kids and a creek!
We have family traditions that have died out like that also. You're making new traditions that reflect what you were raised on. Kudos to you!I have 3 more days with them before school starts on Thursday so I think tomorrow I am taking them to a creek down in the wildlife refuge that my family always used to celebrate the 4th of July on. We would arrive at first gray light after driving 15 miles of poorly kept dirt road in whatever would carry us, break out the grills and set up card tables and the old metal folding chairs and make the day of it in the shade along the creek...miss those days as most everyone older has died and the youngers have different ideas about being social...
I stuck my tongue out at “Stickers” all last fall...I think he is a bit larger this year than last year.
I thought the same thing. That particular buck was very regular on our place until the 2nd week of rifle and then he was just gone. I figured he got shot but looks like he was just somewhere recuperating...That pic of the 8 pt with the 2 little bucks in daylight looks like someone tried a neck shot to me.
Sweet deer and property
Loving it up here. Went to Pierre yesterday 1 hr 40 minutes to the closest Walmart. Everywhere we go is pretty. Have a nice 2 bedroom 2 bath house here on the reservation at Rosebud. Bonus is spending quality time with the wife! If you come up pheasant hunting if you don’t mind 1 more let me know about the pheasant hunting deal. We see them along the highway in different areas...Okie - How ya'll liking SD?
I am going to miss this place for a few days but will be back soon so I can listen to the bugling from the porch...got food plots to plant and lots of Brushhog jobs to take care of as well as getting our deer lease camp set up...Very nice Okie!
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12 hours and a little less than $50 in gas...not bad! Halfway across Nebraska as I type this.How long does it take you to drive back and forth?