"Whitetail Hollow" - 90 Acres NE Oklahoma.

great bucks! I am excited to see what you do this season! Cant wait to see you sitting behind on of those slammers!
Thanks Buckhunter - I read your thread and it looks like you have some good deer using your place this summer as well.

I am really excited about actually having does utilize our property in summer. When we first bought this place I think we had maybe 2 does using our place throughout the summer and this year we have about 8. I think we have 6 fawns as well! Buck photo's are way down other than the ones I have posted but I know of several that made it last year that should be moving in any time or at least utilizing our place more in the fall...
Your bucks are coming along nicely. Hope you get some of this rain we are suppose to get later this week.

I'm sitting on the couch binge watching House of Cards on Netflix hoping I can get some food plotting done in the next month.

Enjoyed the update
How long are you out for?

What plotting are you planning on for the fall? I guess I already had it in my mind that you already had yours in...
Bucks are looking great. That'll bring a lot of excitement climbing into a stand knowing those guys are in the area. I'm in the same boat with the does. I did a good bit of TSI in the spring and my woods have really thickened up. My farm has attracted way more doe groups than usual. They are hogging my mineral/bait/camera sites. Hope that will be a good thing come November.
I have converted most my plots to perennial clover but saved a few areas for cool season annuals. If I don't get them in it's no biggie--always next year - God willing.

Bucks are looking great. That'll bring a lot of excitement climbing into a stand knowing those guys are in the area. I'm in the same boat with the does. I did a good bit of TSI in the spring and my woods have really thickened up. My farm has attracted way more doe groups than usual. They are hogging my mineral/bait/camera sites. Hope that will be a good thing come November.

I am excited to see what happens with the additional does in the area and the hard mast crop being less than it was last year. We still have plenty of acorns coming on for the deer we do have and I would say the hard mast crop is way less than 1/4 of what we had last year...made for tough hunting but this year deer should be moving around...In 2014 I rarely got a shot of a doe at a mineral or feeder but got lots of buck pictures. 2015 was a repeat with just a few does using that stuff. This year I have does using them all day and all night and they are teaching their fawns to utilize them so hopefully as our doe numbers increase we start dragging those "stranger bucks" in ;)
I have converted most my plots to perennial clover but saved a few areas for cool season annuals. If I don't get them in it's no biggie--always next year - God willing.

How did your clover do this year? I think we lost every bit of ours that was on Home 10 due to drought and we held onto some on our 80... I want to plant something besides clover on our 80 and I have the seed already but it is sure hard to get away from that safety blanket of clover we have had since spring of 2014... Think I will plant some strips of Radishes and Winter Rye with some Red Clover seed thrown in to fill in this coming springwhile the Rye is getting tall. Worked good on "Rock Plot" behind our house...

Get well my friend!
Hurt 9 and Laid Back 9 are looking good! Those turkeys sporting paint brush beards look pretty dang good as well.

I am pretty proud of the bucks we have utilizing our place and I know of some much larger ones that survived so I am looking for them to make an appearance anytime between now and November...

On the Turkeys I know of 3 toms running around there with multiple beards. Lots of Turkeys using both sides of the road our property is located on. After deer season I certainly look forward to spring turkey season!
My clover in my boggy bottom which is a mix of red and ladino is doing fantastic. Timely rains have the plot doing great. That are is low so the soil seems to hold moisture better plus it's great soil. On my main plot the clover is alive - especially the red. Most the white has gone into dormancy. Hopefully the cooler Temps and rain on the way will kill it into gear.
Glad you have more does hanging around. They are as curious as the rest of us wanting to know what OK is doing next. Hope you have good luck with those plots. Got mine tilled and ran the chisel plow over them today.
Our whites are pretty spotty this year also. I think it is a certain type, maybe post oak, that are dropping. We only have about 3 reds after oak wilt and the drought, which also killed all the blackjack. I found a loaded red next to a massive persimmon, which is where I will probably be opening day.