Well, we just got another disappointing complete miss by a really good shot at rain today, it gets old... 

That's a great spreader. I lucked into one at a farm auction down the road from my house last summer. $200 but it does have some rust from not being well cared for. Cool story & pics with the metal detecting.
Thanks 3C...Good find on the artifacts. Regardless of lack of rain you sure have some nice bucks roaming around. Hope you get the much needed rain.
I think my wife is going to get a metal detector because she is excited to know what is around. I know of MANY old home sites that have never been detected...
She might but we are thinking more along the lines of old coins, rings, memorabilia from times gone by...She might find some valuable parts to a muscle car!
The guy who came by with the detector to help me told me about all the stuff he has found and it just makes you want to go out and get one like - RIGHT NOW!Always thought that would be fun to search Old homesites for artifacts. Lots of old homesites around here!
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Thank you on the plot. The soil is really sandy and doesn't hold moisture well and I don't know if it shows but it is on a grade. It cuts well with my old disk - I probably should have done a throw N Mow on most of it but if we ever get rain it should do well like it usually does...Man that plot looks slick as a ribbon, and as usual, your deer are great.
Interesting on finding the civil war stuff. Was there a battle there?
Are you going to get rain tonight?
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Rain chances keep going down and above average Temps right now are not helping. The small 1/4" I received on Tuesday has been sucked up. Ground was pretty dry at my place yesterday. Dove season and the state fair is just around the corner. Rain usually follows. Hopefully something will materialize with these 20 to 40% chances.
I could see lightning last night well to our North at like 1 AM. No rain and the chances we had starting tomorrow keep diminishing. Looks like we have real low chances the next 3 days and then no chances after that according to the local weather forecast. It was 97 degrees yesterday with a stiff south breeze that makes it like a hair dryer over the landscape...Good luck with the rain. I hope you get something out of this system.
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It would be nice if we could share rainfall - Louisiana got way more than they could ever want and it was a horrible thing for them. I guess we shouldn't complain too hard. We choose to live here and as far back as I can remember to my boyhood there were very few summers that everything didn't dry up to toast and we had high fire dangers. We fished the creeks hard in the spring because we knew by July they would no longer be running and by August even the potholes would dry up...difference is I didn't try to grow anything back then but I do remember helping dad feed hay in the summer so I know it was a source of stress for him...The bucks and plots are looking good! Hope y'all get some rain, looking like Florida is going to get pounded.