So WHO is the best hunter in "Whitetail Hollow"?? Just checking.
I know there is a cool caption for this photo somewhere... Bears are getting thick!
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I am blessed to be married to OkieKubota! He taught me everything I know about hunting from shooting a recurve to how to field dress game. My hunting success over the last 17 seasons is his success. The best part is that the guys on our hunting lease think of me as another hunter, not just a "woman hunter". Thank you OkieKubota for always placing me in the honey holes!
Problem with bears is they can climb, stand on 2 legs, etc... free standing feeders are toast around them. Anything you leave in the woods including trail cams and stands are not safe and if you have a camper/cabin with food in it they will try to break in.At least we don't have bears, pigs are bad enough!
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If I get that pig there will be no barbeque...been down that road with old boars and they aren't fit to eat...Looks like it's about time for a pig BBQ ! Love the pic of the trad shooters, hope that my shoulder will tolerate the recurve and longbow this year. Looks like a good size rattlerNothing like the sound of one of those buzzing at your presence! Had many a close encounter with them when I lived in North Florida. One of my neighbors got bit by a six foot Eastern diamondback, nearly lost his life and leg. 19 units of anti-venom in the first 24 hours, cutting away of dead tissue and lots of skin grafts after. It was not a pretty sight.