"Whitetail Hollow" - 90 Acres NE Oklahoma.

Liking all your pics but the snakes. Need leave those out for my sake. Really liked the female/wife hunter pics. I think my area at least a third of the hunters are now women. And they tend to take some awesome bucks.
On the snake deal I have killed 3 about that size off of our deer lease in the past 5 years. I have been on that lease since 1998 and prior to the last 5 years I never saw any at all so something has changed... I have a buddy who has been on it since 1996 and he has been retired for about 10 years now and is there most all the time fiddling around and he has never ran into one yet...
So WHO is the best hunter in "Whitetail Hollow"?? Just checking.

I know my wife is a game magnet... doesn't matter what it is whether it be turkey or deer. I have sat with her on several occasions over the years and I don't think we have ever been skunked on those sits which I wish I could say happens when I sit alone :(
Did I mention it is really dry... These are pics of my clover plot...



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Vitex is something I planted in spring of 2013 trying to create a screen...it handles drought well. I actually burnt over this after in spring of 2015...






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Persimmon seedlings I put out spring of 2015 doing well. Got these from our state nursery. Planted 200 in all. Persimmon is very drought resistant....

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If I remember correctly this is chokecherry... I have American plum in some of these tubes and they are doing very poorly in this drought...

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I am blessed to be married to OkieKubota! He taught me everything I know about hunting from shooting a recurve to how to field dress game. My hunting success over the last 17 seasons is his success. The best part is that the guys on our hunting lease think of me as another hunter, not just a "woman hunter". Thank you OkieKubota for always placing me in the honey holes!

This is my main plot area and it has not been sprayed. It is dead due to drought...

This was all winter rye, Crimson clover, and brassicas...

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These are some of our sawtooth plantings. So far they are handling the drought and heat. It is 100+ degrees every day...


I have never gotten an acorn from these trees. I get these little starts of an acorn but they dry up...

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These are some loblolly pines I started planting on our home 10 back about 2012...I started with 100 and lost probably 85-90 to deer browse. In 2013 I planted 200 and lost about 160 to browse... I just kept planting every year until I finally got them above browse size...now I lose several a year to rubbing...



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I am blessed to be married to OkieKubota! He taught me everything I know about hunting from shooting a recurve to how to field dress game. My hunting success over the last 17 seasons is his success. The best part is that the guys on our hunting lease think of me as another hunter, not just a "woman hunter". Thank you OkieKubota for always placing me in the honey holes!

I have a knack for finding the right place for a stand and you have he knack of being calm enough to capitalize on he situation! Glad to share everything with you... ;)
At least we don't have bears, pigs are bad enough!

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Problem with bears is they can climb, stand on 2 legs, etc... free standing feeders are toast around them. Anything you leave in the woods including trail cams and stands are not safe and if you have a camper/cabin with food in it they will try to break in.
Looks like it's about time for a pig BBQ ! Love the pic of the trad shooters, hope that my shoulder will tolerate the recurve and longbow this year. Looks like a good size rattler:eek: Nothing like the sound of one of those buzzing at your presence! Had many a close encounter with them when I lived in North Florida. One of my neighbors got bit by a six foot Eastern diamondback, nearly lost his life and leg. 19 units of anti-venom in the first 24 hours, cutting away of dead tissue and lots of skin grafts after. It was not a pretty sight.
If I get that pig there will be no barbeque...been down that road with old boars and they aren't fit to eat...

We used to shoot trad year around when we had more time...Did all the trad shoots, travelled, won a bunch of stuff, especially my wife. She is one of the best natural shots I have ever seen. She has killed 3 deer with trad equipment but I have no pictures. One was a real good one!

Aren't you in the Tahlequah area? I've never seen a bear. Seems like they should be on the other side of the country, not a couple hours drive away.
I've got an aunt with a house on Tenkiller. Beautiful lake and country!

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