Place looks great as usual. I remember how rocky that ground was when you planted . Great results. Looks like you have your typical trophy bucks coming along. Season coming quickly.Awoke this morning to a good rain which lasted almost till 5:00 pm today.
While I had some downtime I noticed Google earth had updated and I got a good picture of our south plot expansion. It is everything that is dirt in the photo.
It looks like this now with clover and WR grain in all the new dirt.
I decided to take a quick trip across the road as soon as the rain slacked off. I saw a doe beside the south plot and figured her fawns were nearby, possibly in the rye grain or hinge cuts...
A bit further down the path I saw a young buck I was able to take a quick cell phone photo of.
The woodland hinge cuts are thickening up nicely and the increased sun light to the ground is causing a lot of new growth.
Tender hickory shoot browse which is the only use we see by deer of hickory...ever!
A quick shot of our back yard here on the hollow...Barduro red clover nearly waist deep. Durana white that is over knee deep and WR grain...all growing out of a flint rock hillside...
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Place looks great as usual. I remember how rocky that ground was when you planted . Great results. Looks like you have your typical trophy bucks coming along. Season coming quickly.
Not much to post on the habitat front. Staying out of the hunting side of the road for a couple weeks and then I will check a couple cams.
Friday night the grandson and I took the GTO to Fort Gibson Cruise night and got into the burnout contest. Ended up doing well but tires didn't fare too good...
Tires were worn out when I started so no loss...changed the tire/wheel combo and took it to another cruise night Saturday night in Stilwell...had a blast! Here is a photo somebody took and my wife found on facebook...
Grandson Eli spent the weekend with me and we had a great time!
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That is awesome! Loving the flat black. Cannot even remember the last time I saw a street rod near me with a blower.
Eli has got to love those trips with his hip grandpa!
No rain in my part of the state. Giving some chances at the end of the week.