"Whitetail Hollow" - 90 Acres NE Oklahoma.

Every time I walk by I do a little freshen...
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A post from late December 2015... Remember this old warrior?

"As many of you know we had a couple bucks I documented well over the past summer using our place... "Laid Back 9" and "Brows". Laid back 9 disappeared in early bow season when the rifles shots started
I had thought the worst and written him off as a casualty. Brows disappeared about 2 weeks later...

Every other buck kept using our place throughout the fall and we ended up losing 3 small ones to the people hunting around us...

Here is the last picture I got of "Laid Back 9" in October... He was a regular everyday on Camera from Mid December last fall until October 6th of this year... He shed early last year in December and is the oldest deer I have seen on our place..."
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I went out Christmas day to check cameras on our 80 in the middle of the day so as to have the least intrusion possible since rifle doe season is in full swing and I didn't want to push any deer out. After I got home I checked cams and low and behold an old friend had returned!

Looks like he had broken some of his G4 off on his right side but other than that was his same old ugly self

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A little flooding we saw in 2015 which will always be remembered as the year of plenty of rain unlike the summers before and so far this summer after...
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Well it looks like the shutdown over on QDMAS forum has begun... can no longer see pictures there...

Edit... I was logged in. Once I logged out pictures became viewable again...
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Wintertime 2015 rolling toward spring...

Loblollies I dibble barred in in March 2014 look like this in February 2016...

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I bought 10 6 foot plus loblolly pines in 10 gallons pots last spring to put near our home...
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Well as I mentioned earlier I have a plan for the area around our home and everything has to go in a certain order. We couldn't build porches until we got the dirt work done to bring the yard up to level so we had been using blocks as a temporary porch until I could get fill/topsoil. I hired a guy to bring me fill dirt with an 18 wheeler...you can see what we were working with for yard in this photo...
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What he was supposed to bring was fill dirt at $260 a load and when he dumped I was in awe! Some of the most beautiful topsoil I had ever seen rolled out and had no rocks and very minimal roots. He told me he could get me all I wanted at $260/load so I ordered 10 loads... We built a stem wall behind our brick so we could build the yard back up to level...
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Dozer was in the process of making us a new driveway so he started spreading the topsoil as it arrived. You can see where the new driveway comes in on the left and you can see the old driveway where the gravel is. I much prefer a curving drive off the county road but when we initially built the drive we had to build it to get the house in so it was much straighter...
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This is our new driveway we had cut in to curve around to our house. Old drive is on right.


Here it is today...


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