Upstate Obsession

Thanks Buckly, I hadn’t heard that. As I recall, LC had good things to say about it so I thought I’d give it a try. Most of my clover plots get rotated every year or two to take advantage of the nitrogen. I’m still looking for the perfect perennial for those I don’t rotate. Jumbo ladino does well, but seems to do better with other clovers mixed in.
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I think it's good to look at different options or else how do you really know what's best. . LC talked me into trying the Alice in a few different spots but, on my ground the Ladino was the best. Now I know but, your ground may be suited well for it
In Iowa I did alice and jumbo then it became LC's mix. Alice quickly showed itself not to be a good choice for my situation. It didn't establish as robustly as we would like, never grew as well as we would like, and it faded fast. Jumbo and reds stayed in my mix and I really liked the high priced Kopu II.

CB5DB5D2-1B23-42C4-A35B-EAC9AB2749DC.jpeg E7110FAB-E41E-4122-AC2D-ACF0A51F7430.jpeg Compare the body mass and antlers on these bucks. The smaller racked deer is probably 80lbs heavier. I’d guess a 6 or 7 year old vs a 3 or 4 year old. Variation is crazy. I’d really like to give the younger deer another year, but if we pass him, the neighbors or trespassers will kill him.
he might get another year - they get pretty good at hiding/figuring us out. Nice to see the age - I'd say things look on track.
Lots of little guys too?
I figure several 3 year olds, 5-6 2year olds and 7-8 yearling bucks. When the rut hits, a number of the home bodies will leave and a a few will show up. Always interesting. My doe/fawn numbers are down now. I usually pull a few of those off the neighbors once bullets start flying.
Made the trek upstate for the weekend. Saturday morning, I walked to our biggest plot complex. To my surprise, there was a 200lb+ bear in the Rutabagas. He then got a drink in a developed waterhole, hit some clover, and finished up in the newly planted alfalfa/triticale. Went back up for an evening sit and saw a different (smaller) bear working my corn over. With bow season 2 weeks away and this level of daylight movement, I’m feeling pretty good about seeing a bear in archery range. On top of all that, we had 25 deer in the plots including 2 that are 4 or older. The bigger bucks are coming in on a trail a new stand is watching. I’m excited to see these numbers. They typically don’t congregate here in numbers until hunting pressure or snow drives them in.

The deer were working equally between the alfalfa, LC brassicas, clover and rutabagas/Winfred. They were staying away from the corn because I think the could smell the bear.

The critters are really working the triticale/alfalfa. If it can take our winters, it will be a winner.
D22E1935-6E41-4F4B-A59E-ED9941A35D10.jpeg Deer are hammering the alfalfa/triticale (long strip on the right). I’m really pleased. But for the deer, it would be double the height.
A3DF4000-09AC-4228-871D-CA67E3C06D42.jpeg I’ve started broadcasting brassicas into hedges of corn fields to take advantage of the unused fertilizer where germination was marginal. These are getting hammered in between bites of corn.
864F3397-EE2B-428A-9586-5FD55DDCE9C2.jpeg F5067D03-F8B2-4A23-912C-84620AE32681.jpeg These bears are taking a morning and evening stroll past several stands every day. With bow season 8 days away, I’m excited with the daytime patterns.
Interesting bear update. I sat in one of our blinds last night hoping to see a bear (I did see 8 racked bucks). Walking back to the house through a stand of hemlocks, i had an up close and personal meeting with the bear (he was on the same trail coming towards me). At 20yds, he stood up, woofed at me and ran off. It’s made me reconsider all the walking I do on the property unarmed. If it had been a sow with cubs, it could have been trouble. Because of stupid and unconstitutional laws in NY, I never moved my handguns to the state 10 years ago when we moved here. I’d have felt a lot more comfortable with a 10mm with a magazine full of heavily loaded 200g rounds.... Has me rethinking starting the pistol permit process (it takes a year and even if approved, is not permit to carry concealed, and subjects my home to periodic visits by law enforcement to ensure they are being stored legally). I really dislike the thought of packing a rifle or shotgun on all of my walks.... Things do go bump in the night now and again.
Wow. Your 2nd amendment has some barriers around it. Great bucks in your area. How far are you from Niagara falls? Visited recently. Loved it
They’re fun to see, I just don’t care for being surprised. One of these day, the stars will align and we’ll harvest one.