Dave, it was pleasure to have you. I learn something every time we get together. I really like seeing other habitat addicts’ properties. It’s like going to school! It would be great if we could set up group tours.
Let Dennis know I planted the last of his triticale today—used it as a cover crop for the alfalfa. Can’t wait to see how it produces. I’ll need to get another half dozen bags next year.
Even though I only have experience with a couple of die offs over the years on this property, I will comment on your question but keep in mind that you are most intimate with your property so your instincts should guide you. So yes I feel that you could easily add another ten deer to the winter property population with little to no effect on winter die offs. With that said if your property experiences a severe winter many deer will die because they simply can't move well to stay safe, warm and fed. Winter die offs will happen whether you are at 25% of capacity or 75% when the weather is beyond what they can handle.Certainly a shooter with the bow.... I think he is 1 of 4 4 year olds (older bucks didn’t survive the hunting/winter.
I’m interested in your 50% saturation comment. We’ve taken 2-3 does a year to date. You feel like the property could sustain 1/3 more deer with the present natural browse and current plot acreage? With the tough winters we get, I’ve worried about letting the population get too big and having a crash in the numbers.
Thanks Farmhunter, The same happened here as with your property; there was a very quick population bounce back on this property and a couple of others that I know of that still have good habitat compared to the general area after the severe winter year that wiped out so many young deer. One more note Elk on the old does, the ones that walk ahead of the group alone into the danger areas before somehow signaling to the others that it is safe, those get a free pass here always now regardless of the population.Nice post chainsaw. Good points and I agree on all accounts.
Elk for us - three year olds are the best we can really hope for a realistic harvest and occasionally 4 years tease is. Our rule is 2.5 years old min and most of us don’t take a buck most years. They are harder to hunt - and we have a lot of pressure that doesn’t help.
We don’t get quite the snow you do - but we get die offs once or twice every 10years. The one chainsaw said - was a real bad one - it only took two years for our numbers to bounce back
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I'm convinced you were actually a farmer in a former life and brought those skills into this one..