Hey guys hope everyone is getting out to do some work. I took advantage of a Midwest cold front in June to get some work done.
Had to clean up the apple orchard with the bush hog. I inspected our trees from Northern Whitetail Crab and we had 12/12 thriving. One of them (Gray ghost) even had 3 small apples growing even though they were planted in April!! Im impressed. I picked them off.

Here’s an update on the area we burned in March/April... looking pretty. Flushed a few turkeys out of it.
I also had to gain control back in my clover plots. Some of the weeds were chest high. I actually jumped a bedded doe up in this one. Hopefully it comes back with a bright green carpet.
It sure was a busy weekend. In addition I backpack sprayed gly on 2 plots squalling 1 acre.
I also did a couple hours of chainsaw work. I had just learned about this new “mineral stump” idea from the Deer University podcast. Has anyone tried it??? I made probably 6 of them this weekend as expirements. , i will make sure to monitor regrowth and deer usage this summer for you all. I did a few lane clearing and a few hinge cuts before my chainsaw decided to quit on me.
Busy weekend!
Last but not least... I usually like to put cameras out after 4th of July to avoid fighting ants, weeds, etc but I gave in and put 4 out.
I hope to have another good update in a few weeks when I get back out!!!
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