It's funny that I had the notion last week to take a few minutes and showcase 5 years of pictures of the buck we call "Eeyore". This buck is 7.5 yr old and has been rutting on our farm for as long as we've owned it. Mind you, he has never been spotted on the hoof... until this weekend.
My dad and I took Thursday and Friday off of work to get a few extra sits in... My dad convinced me to go hunt from the ground in one of our ravines where he had located a good pinch point on November 10th. I kind of begrudgingly agreed because I hate not being in a stand. Before I was even set up, a 4 yr old came to 38 yards! I honestly think he was coming to check out the commotion I was causing, thinking he was missing out on a lady! Unfortunately, I didn't have an arrow nocked but I thought "Maybe the old man is onto something with this spot..." I sat there along a creek for a couple more hours with zero action. About 10 minutes before last shooting light a 2.5 yr old 8 pt walks right into the wheelhouse at 15 yards using the funnel. As he's standing there, the 3 yr old I passed last weekend comes SPRINTiNG out of a bedding area, does a circle and sprints back in. (still not sure what the heck he was doing) But he was causing quite a commotion. Right then, I heard the unmistakable sound of a buck stomping my way to see what was going on, but he was immediately behind me making it very hard to get into position from the ground. I debated standing up to get in better position but I didnt want to spook the 2 bucks in front of me. As soon as I laid eyes on him... heart began pounding out of my chest. It was Eeyore and he was 8 yards behind me through some brush. I allowed him to get past me, turned as far right behind me as I could and he stopped 2 steps before an opening. He turned back around and he saw me trying to get into better position and took off to 80 yards to stare me from a distance. I had forgotten how intense hunting from the ground can be! WOW, what a hunt! What an encounter! Safe to say the rut was ON!
November 11th
I was so eager to get into my favorite morning stand on the farm. Weather was perfect, timing was perfect. The morning started with a forkhorn at first light. In the next hour I must have seen 9 does/fawns so I knew it should be only a matter of time before a buck appears. At 7:30 AM, as 4 fawns were to my left, I look to my right and see Eeyore stomping towards my direction. He is starting to angle away from me a bit, so I knew I had to get drawn and find a spot to fit an arrow through. I had pegged him for about 25-27 yards so I bent my legs to clear a branch, settled in and released an arrow. Immediately I knew it was low... (and later ranged him at 30 yards) The buck was hit, but he took 2 steps and stood there for 30 seconds. I scrambled for binos and nocked another arrow. He trotted off and I'm left thinking what in the world just happened. After 45 minutes, sending some texts to my buddies and my dad saying I think I just screwed up, I went to check my arrow. Not thrilled at all, not much blood and white hair at the site. BUT... here is what I saw where he stood for 30 seconds.

I was encouraged... I was praying the Rage Extreme bailed me out. I followed steady, bright red blood for about 100 yards before he went onto the neighbors property. I backed out, got permission to track onto the neighbors, and gave him about 12 hours. In the meantime I checked the trail camera at this stand and here he was from Nov 9th.
We took up the trail after my dad and buddy hunted that night... following decreasing blood for over 500 yards before it finally stopped. We were finding a pin drop of blood every 15 yards just prior. I was so devastated it's not even funny. I still am... BUT, I wasn't giving up so easy and we had all weekend in front of us.
Nov 12th
Our morning hunt was uneventful... but in the evening I got into another one of our ravines and made a goofy face for the camera... haha
Saw 3 forks but the big news is that my buddy laid eyes on Eeyore in the center of our property, grazing in a cut corn field at 70 yards. He had a little hitch in his giddy up, but wasn't limping too bad. And he was still reacting to does somewhat, so we think he is going to survive. I'm not sure how well a 7.5 yr old deer with a Rage hole in him will fare vs winter, but we will see! We are pulling for him.
Another silver lining this evening... this girl came through RIGHT at dark with her buddy at 10 yards.

My first coyote! At least she can't bother Eeyore anymore...
Quite a weekend! Afterwards I let my neighbor know what happened and he showed me this picture he got from Nov 9th.
Talk about a making his rounds during the rut, WOW was Eeyore active. Lesson to be learned here... for 5 years this deer was a nocturnal ghost. At age 7.5 he seemed to have thrown caution to the wind during the rut becoming a wreckless daywalker. It almost got him killed 3 separate times in 3 straight days. We will be after him in the late season thats for sure.