Upstate Obsession


Well-Known Member
image.jpg We purchased this property in upstate NY in the fall of 2013. It is 207 acres and largely hardwoods. We cleared about 9 acres for plots, including several deep woods plots. We've also installed two water holes to supplement creeks and a 11/2acre beaver pond. Today, we have 17 acres of plots in a mixture of corn/beans, clover/chicory, and variations of LC's brassicas and grain/clover rotation.
image.jpg When we purchased the property, my intent was to park a used double wide on the property. My spouse of 30 years vetoed the decision and we had this modular home installed. From contract to C of O was 90 days. We intend to retire here in another 12-15 years.
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image.jpg image.jpg We hired a wildlife consultant to improve habitat. He counseled extensive browse cuts to provide sanctuary and cover. Eventually, we had 23 acres hinge cut (the oaks and apple trees were left alone). I had to hire the work out to get it done, and many of the cuts were deeper than I would prefer. Today, 16 months later, 1/3 of the trees are still alive. The regeneration has started and the areas are thick and nasty. I'm dreading the day we have to haul a deer out.
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Very nice - your spouse was right on! Such a nice place. glad to see you on the new site, its a bit weird and all, but hope to keep up with your place !
Thanks for the kind words. I have a question for the group. First some background: Last year we had 3 acres of corn/beans and 5 acres of brassicas. With the exceedingly mild winter and a massive acorn crop, I had 2 acres of GHR rot in the fields and the bulbs on the rest were largely untouched. The corn wasn't finished off till April. This year, I've got 4 acres of corn/beans and 2acres (so for) of brassicas planted. Due to health challenges, I'm dependent upon help to get much done. Labor day weekend, I'll plant 21/2 acres of LC grain mix. I'd originally planned on rotating 21/2 acres of knee high red clover (last fall's LC grain planting) into brassicas. My issue is the difficulty I'm having finding help to get it done. Can anyone advise on what use these thick red clover plots will see once the snows start to pile up? My concern is having sufficient food in the event of a tough winter (we lost half our deer 2 winters ago). Any thoughts?
Elk...You're too far north for me to offer any advice but man am I glad you're posting here. Like I said on the other site, you upstate NY guys have some of the prettiest property I've ever laid eyes on. Pretty cool to be able to start all over again with you guys and catch up from the 1st post. Anything you care to share about your health issues? Whatever they are, I hope you are able to recover. Health is such a precious commodity that I too often take for granted.
Red clover provides forage all winter for me in Oklahoma. Don't know about your area though. Do you have a drill? If so you could cut the clover short and drill cereal grains and brassicas into the clover. If no drill two other options would be to broadcast seed (wheat, rye, brassica) directly in the red clover then mow. Second option would be to very lightly disc the red clover - just to open up a little soil but not kill the clover. Broadcast then either cultipack or drag to get good soil - seed contact.

Good luck. Again - the fall colors are beautiful
What a beautiful place. Like the others, I sure wish I could trade some flat piney acreage for hilly hardwoods- especially during the fall!