Upstate Obsession

I’m long overdue for an update. Life upstate continues to be busy working too much….and I find myself contemplating how I want to prioritize my time the next decade.

Because my no-till planter did not arrive in time, I broadcast and disced in 71/2 acres of ag beans. I planted heavy knowing deer numbers would be a real issue. As anticipated, many were browsed too early and did not survive. Still, we managed to grow enough that as snows have piled up, deer are stacked deep in the plots with remaining grain.


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In all the beans, I also broadcast rye and brassicas. Both have been hammered.

In June, we broadcast 4 acres of buckwheat. In Mid July, I rolled it with my cultipacker, sprayed it and drilled in brassicas. Brassica germination was excellent but ultimately, drought really hampered growth. Instead of knee high forage, it topped out at ankle height…although that also reflects serious browsing since they were lip high. In September, I also broadcast in rye.

Using my GP no-till drill, I also planted 41/2 acres of rye/clover/chicory. It too has been browsed lip high.

As has been the case for sometime, we have too many deer….and the food plots get hammered. Fortunately, we continue to benefit from 24 acres of hinge cuts which added substantial browse.

We have some good for our area bucks on the property, 4 of which are 41/2 or older. While I haven’t seen all 4 this season, I have seen 2 which did not offer good shots. I have passed younger bucks every sit. Conditions were not great during the rut…high winds/unseasonably warm and a full moon. Still, I’ve had a good sit each outing.

If I don’t see one of my older bucks, the younger up and comers will get a pass. I’ll fill doe tags to try to impact the spiraling numbers.

I’m cool with this as I’ve already had a great fall. I took a nice bull and buck in CO, and passed 50+ bucks in MT looking for something special. I’m also going to do my annual TX archery buck and boar hunt with my boys.


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For those interested in such things, the bull was shot at 482yds with 300win shooting 200g Accubonds at 3060fps. I’d spotted him the night before and got on him the next morning. I had to wait 3 hours for him to offer a shot through a small window. He dropped at the shot. With broken tines, he went 305. Not my biggest, but too nice to pass.

The buck was shot the next day at 178yds in his bed. I repositioned the spotting scope 3 times over 30 minutes trying to judge him before confirming he was good enough. He was 29” wide and scored 172.

This was what remained of the 200g Accubond after striking the bedded buck in the knuckle.


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For those interested in such things, the bull was shot at 482yds with 300win shooting 200g Accubonds at 3060fps. I’d spotted him the night before and got on him the next morning. I had to wait 3 hours for him to offer a shot through a small window. He dropped at the shot. With broken tines, he went 305. Not my biggest, but too nice to pass.

The buck was shot the next day at 178yds. I repositioned the spotting scope 3 times over 30 minutes trying to judge him before confirming he was good enough. He was 29” wide and scored 172.
Congratulations. Sounds like a great hunt.
90 seconds after I shot my bull, my buddy shot this 5 pt. Mine was on the upper right marked spot, his was the lower left.


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