The Brushpile

It's raining, and we need 6 inches at least. Rivers, lakes and ponds are way down, and I haven't been able to grow a food plot in years!

Thanks, Okie could also use some rain as well as doctorbrady, and everyone in this area!
This is a Kieffer Pear, it's about done blooming and was hit by hard freeze after hard freeze.

There are still a sprinkling of blooms, but I don't expect many pears.
This is a Korean Giant/Olympic Pear, that is just now blooming. This Oriental Pear is a late bloomer, and is more likely to produce pears because it normally blooms well after the last frost.

This is Roughleaf Dogwood, which will grow in harsh conditions where other dogwoods won't grow. Roughleaf Dogwood is thicket forming, is a bush/small tree like plum, and is the most preferred browse of the dogwoods.

Here is the suckering. All of the stems are Roughleaf Dogwood.
Rain! Once again the Brushpile has a river and a pond full of water!
Congrats on the rain! We are still in the dry zone with only 1/2" of rain falling last Friday and before that it was about 3 weeks since we had any and that was just 2/10's...They say we may get some tonight and tomorrow but not holding our breath on that deal...
Congrats on the rain! We are still in the dry zone with only 1/2" of rain falling last Friday and before that it was about 3 weeks since we had any and that was just 2/10's...They say we may get some tonight and tomorrow but not holding our breath on that deal...
The ground here is totally saturated, and if it rains tomorrow, I expect to see flooding. I wish rain would come at regular intervals. Good luck on getting some rain in Oklahoma, you have seen enough drought!
Nice to see a wet Brushpile!
It happens about once every couple years. Now it needs to get regular rain so things will grow as they should, and trees can form nuts, apples can make apples, and I will actually get to eat my first apple in 8 years!
I have the same situation with my couple of pear trees that bloomed early. I think the frost got them. But yesterday I was shocked to see another couple trees loaded with blooms.
I smile every time I look at the radar and see you getting rain. Looks like you are getting poured on!
So Brush is the pond looking good right now? Be nice if you got to eat some apples off your trees.

Glad you are wet right now.
