The Brushpile

Of course you can have scions.

I use camo paint on my five gallon buckets. I'd already filled my buck tag when a small 6 point spotted me on my 5 gallon bucket and walked over to have a look, the wind was in my favor as the buck closed to within 5 yards and stared at me for the longest time, before slowly proceeding on his way. Usually I sit up against a tree trunk, to break up my outline, but some places don't have a decent tree truck, so I make do.

If you look at the above pics, there are no trees to hang a stand in, but the bucket can go anywhere.
I've never harvested a deer from a blind, does this set-up look okay? The trail passes about 25 feet in front of the blind. Should I brush it in, how long should I wait to hunt it?
I have killed deer out of a ground blind. That blind needs brush and vegetation on the top and corners. It collects too much light as it is.

If you had an old cedar tree that you could prune off it - this would help the blind tremendously. You need some vegetation trimmed so an arrow does not get deflected when it has left the blind.

Whitetails get crazy over a new blind but turkeys don't. It is actually opposite of what we believe should occur.

Put some brush piled up in front of the blind 10 feet - that will give you the depth to break up the outline of the blind too. It will keep a nosey deer from walking right up to the window too. ;);)

My two cents ...

I am looking forward to our first tracking post!!! Good luck.
I always brush my blinds in. I try to have my blinds out at least a couple weeks before season but also have popped one up and had deer in front of me in the same day. They notice it but usually settle down after awhile. Now an old buck I am sure will react differently than doe, fawns and young bucks.

I am finally caught up again on your thread. Your fruit trees looks great.
Thanks Blizzard and wpb, I'm thinking of leaving the blind there but not hunting out of it for weeks. In that location I could sit on a bucket further into the brush, but then I couldn't see the deer until they're almost directly in front and walking at a good pace, so getting a shot would be difficult. This is a good spot, but there are no trees to hang a stand. I bale blind might work, but I don't have one.
I bet you are getting rain no brush.Everything is growing so much here can't keep up
Nice thought, but not a drop. The weatherman said that there was a cold front, but that it's too dry to rain! However the sky is dark and there are good chances for the next 4 days.
Hey Brush - you got anything planned for Thursday?

Got your bucket ready and camo on it. Good luck you ole' brushmaster. :D
Hey Brush - you got anything planned for Thursday?

Got your bucket ready and camo on it. Good luck you ole' brushmaster. :D
Oh boy... doctorbrady called me for a tracking call on a BIG buck, but the outfitter didn't want to track until the morning, and I have my semi-annual ENT appointment on Thursday. :-( The ENT appointment is gold and can't be rescheduled. However, doctorbrady is off tomorrow, so I'm pulling for him and his tracking pack.

My bucket is ready,and I have some real hot spots. I was out scouting today when doctorbrady called.
Sounds like we will get to read a tracking post - hope so. I have a doctor appointment Friday with my cardio guy - it is a one year checkup.

I think the dog tracking stories are as good it gets. You have a deer story and a dog story too.

I think we will see some rain on Saturday and Sunday both - at least that is what they say now. May help my hunting or keep me out of the woods. I am battling a radiator repair on my tractor. It gets boiling out tomorrow.
Yeah if you have the time to brush in the blind, it will definitely help. Good idea on piling up brush in front of the blind wbp. I will be doing that from now on.
Actually it was a hen turkey that taught us the importance of getting brush in front of the windows - not right at the bottom of the blind but out in front of it some. A curious hen will walk right up to a blind as will an old doe or a yearling.
Sounds like we will get to read a tracking post - hope so. I have a doctor appointment Friday with my cardio guy - it is a one year checkup.

I think the dog tracking stories are as good it gets. You have a deer story and a dog story too.

I think we will see some rain on Saturday and Sunday both - at least that is what they say now. May help my hunting or keep me out of the woods. I am battling a radiator repair on my tractor. It gets boiling out tomorrow.
I need rain to see deer tracks, and to hold scent so Elkie can track. I don't want to spook deer, which occurred today while scouting. Getting in and out undetected is important, so I'll take my time and play the weather. Acorns are dropping, so oaks should be the draw.
Nice thought, but not a drop. The weatherman said that there was a cold front, but that it's too dry to rain! However the sky is dark and there are good chances for the next 4 days.
Good thing you got those nice rains the other day... still waiting on ours...
It was so dry before it rained that the rain kind of vanished. I wonder if it sinks down or evaporates, but it's dry here now and the ground is too hard to see a deer track. Supposed to be an 80% chance on Friday, but the 4-5 60% chances haven't produced a drop. The weatherman says it's too dry to rain.

I keep watching for you to get rain and hope it happens soon!
I was scouting new territory, so without being able to see tracks I looked at habitat. White Oak acorns were dropping under a large White Oak where I parked the truck, so I was hoping to find another White Oak when I found this Shumard Oak acorn.

Schumard Oak acorns are in the Red Oak Family and are bitter, though deer will eat them. I'm looking for a draw, and I found it. This is a Chinkakin Oak acorn, which is the sweetest of the White Oaks. This acorn won't last one day on the ground!

All White Oaks can be opened and the nut inside will grow, this is a Chinkapin Oak acorn just before I ate it.

There were several Chinkapin Oaks growing in a 50 yard wide strip of woods along Stockton Lake, so I've found food, water and a travel corridor. This is my shooting lane with the lake in the background.

There is a massive field of NWSG growing next to the woods.
