I've got to say today was a great day in the woods and I have to give everybody on this forum a ton of credit in helping me! I have learned a great deal from y'all about low impact hunting, stand setups, hinge cuts, creating travel routes, food plots, etc and I think that helped me to have such an exciting and successful day. It definitely exceeded my expectations and the only thing that could have made it better would have been to see a mature buck, but I'm thrilled with the way everything turned out! I look forward to all of the new and exciting things the future has to hold.
I had 6 separate encounters with at least 7 distinct deer. 1) - small buck at first light. 2) - a mama doe and fawn @ 9:00 AM. 3) - a small spike @ 4:55 PM. 4) - 2 small bucks chasing a small doe @ 5:15 PM 5) - same small spike @ 5:20. 6) - 6 deer (2 mamas and 4 fawns) @ 5:30 PM. I also saw 2 turkeys right along the edge of the woods near the yard while I was taking a lunch break.
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