Last spring and summer I had a cedar cutter working on the west side of my farm. There were 10-15 acres that were heavily infested with cedar. He left such a mess behind. There were piles and slash everywhere. It was very disheartening to even drive through there. Instead of trying clean it up, I decided to wait until this year and run a fire through the west side of the farm. That area was nearly all closed canopy. Some areas of heavy cedar, other a mix of elms, oaks and honey locust. Woody greenbrier he climbed most trees all the way to the top. Many areas were nearly impenetrable. I had done some moderate TSI in areas I could access.
I had utilized prescribed fire on an old overgrown pasture 2 years ago and had the help of a gentleman who had been conducting prescribed burns for 3 decades. We got together and got a plan put in place for this timber burn. We also recently got a PBA put together for our county. I got a neighbor to help as well as the fire boss, his helper and a few guys from our Volunteer FD. Having the brush trucks there sure provides some piece of mind.
We started about 9:30 am and wrapped up around 3:00. Some of the slash piles were pretty intense. Same with some of the cedars that were covered in greenbrier.
It was a great success, the burn boss was very pleased with the results. There were areas where access and visibility were zero, it’s amazing how much things have opened up. I can’t wait to see how it looks after things begin to green up. I’m going to continue to monitor how much sun reaching the forest floor and cut what trees need to be cut.
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