Camping on land you own

Quite a bit I disagree with. Just because a neighbor might have a party that disturbs the peace doesn't mean a curfew should be enacted into law to prevent it. Lots of people can have company over without infringing on their neighbors. We should have the freedom to have people over to our apartment until we are irresponsible and disturb our neighbors. At which point we are disturbing the peace and will have to deal with the consequences. But to have blanket laws that prevent what I might (short of being dangerous to others and their property) or might not do on my own place is a bit to much in my opinion.
That is an argument about where the balance should be. When two folks freedoms conflict there needs to be some way to resolve it. That is what politics is all about. It is the mechanism we use to resolve these conflicts.
Possession used to be nine tenths of the law. Sadly enough, it’s not anymore. We live in a world where people can stop paying their rent, and you have to jump through all kinds of hoops to move them out of YOUR property. Someone can move in and take over your vacant property and you can’t move them out. People can steal your house online and you’re almost powerless to stop it. Now you tell me you can’t camp on your own land. I repeat, free country ? Not really !
Possession used to be nine tenths of the law. Sadly enough, it’s not anymore. We live in a world where people can stop paying their rent, and you have to jump through all kinds of hoops to move them out of YOUR property. Someone can move in and take over your vacant property and you can’t move them out. People can steal your house online and you’re almost powerless to stop it. Now you tell me you can’t camp on your own land. I repeat, free country ? Not really !
People living in a house without paying rent or getting taking your house... Those folks sound pretty free... :)
And the people making these laws and regulations that limit your freedoms are the ones claiming they are the only ones to save democracy.
You can always take a Biblical/philosophical perspective that freedom is just an illusion. To quote that renown theologian Bob Dylan, "you gotta serve somebody". :)
Honestly, every once in a while my jaw drops. There are quite a few states that are very limiting on what I'd call basic freedoms and rights. I'd seriously never even consider there being rules for camping on your own land. Over-reach. Yes, very glad!
Polite society used to govern itself, and we didn't need rules prohibiting being a slob, annoying, stupid, repulsive, wreckless, lazy etc. We used to have to face our neighbors at church, at the store, at work, at school events, or other gathering places. We were responsible for not being an embarrassment to our family members.
Polite society used to govern itself, and we didn't need rules prohibiting being a slob, annoying, stupid, repulsive, wreckless, lazy etc. We used to have to face our neighbors at church, at the store, at work, at school events, or other gathering places. We were responsible for not being an embarrassment to our family members.
Had the exact same thoughts, just didn't write them down. Thanks as it was very well said!
Polite society used to govern itself, and we didn't need rules prohibiting being a slob, annoying, stupid, repulsive, wreckless, lazy etc. We used to have to face our neighbors at church, at the store, at work, at school events, or other gathering places. We were responsible for not being an embarrassment to our family members.
Well said. Those days are long in the rear-view mirror for many folks. What used to be an embarrassment to us and our families, now draws views, likes, and fame (if only for 15 minutes).
I personally think it was people of my generation, baby boomers, that didn’t hand out enough ass whippings to their kids, then that same lack of discipline just kept getting handed down. Now we have an entitled society as a result.
I personally think it was people of my generation, baby boomers, that didn’t hand out enough ass whippings to their kids, then that same lack of discipline just kept getting handed down. Now we have an entitled society as a result.
I think you deserve a trophy for participating in this forum...:)...Wait, we all deserve trophies! :)