shawn cox
Well-Known Member
Hey all. I am going to attempt to track my progress on my lease and share what I do and learn and what I fail at on my 1350 acre hunting lease that I run in central Georgia. I am in a QDMA county which requires at least a 15” outside spread. However my rules are we only shoot mature deer 4-1/2 and up. This is will be my 4th season managing it. We have made a ton of progress over the last 3 seasons with getting the age structure right. I have a buddy that manages 900 acres next to me that follows our same guidelines which helps greatly. We had a great year this year and some really big deer for Georgia were killed by some surrounding clubs that we had let walk for a couple years. Now we have all the clubs around us wanting to follow our example which was what we always hoped would happen because of the great potential that lies in this location. We do have a large farm that surrounds us on a couple sides of our property. Now we do supplement feed with protein during the spring and summer to help out the herd which is very healthy. I also am working on getting as much food plots planted as possible. I have expanded or started working some small new areas every year. I plan on using this as a guide for myself so I have a history of what works and doesn’t work. History of the property was that it used to be a part of a pay to hunt lodge of around 6000 acres. They tricked in hogs because they sold a lot of hog hunts and now we have a population that we will never get rid of. About 18 years ago a individual bought it and started a pine plantation. That is mainly what my property consists of intermingled with a big creek bottom on my southern border and a smaller creek bottom on my west border. There a few hardwood drains that feed out into the pines and the pines are in various stages from 1 year, 3 year, 5 year, and several classes that I don’t know how old but are big. Some will probably get cut again in a couple years. We have a ton of bedding provided by the early stages of planted pines. We are lucky because the land manager is one of the most knowledgeable I know and is a great guy. They do rotational burns every 3 years on the different blocks of pines we have. They actually just burned around 90 acres total in two spots on my lease last week. We have a total of 7 members and that includes myself which helps keep the pressure really low on the property. Anyway I hope to be able to get out this weekend to put out some new trough feeders I built to add to our existing protein feed program and I will take some pictures of the property to add on here. Thanks for following along.
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